Chapter 25: Just For You

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"You're just going to wait or walk around town while I talk with Jackie, alright?" I said slowly to all the lads in the hotel lobby. "Then when I text you the code meet me at the park.. Alright?" I explained. "Lad, you're treating us to 5 year olds!" Niall laughed. I turned to Liam. "I'm counting on you here, you cannot lose them. You'll mess everything up if you do." I said poking his chest. "I've got this. Now go, she's probably already there." He said pushing me out the door.

I walked to Starbucks anxious of what will happen. I turned into Starbucks but checked my hair in the window before I walked in. I saw Jackie in a booth looking more beautiful than ever. She was wearing a navy tank top with a beaded cross on it with black shorts. Her hair was straight and had a navy bandana in. I walked over to her with my palms sweaty. I cleared my throat when I sat down across from her.

Her head popped up and she stared at me blankly. I smiled at her but still no emotion showed from her. "How's your foot?" I asked awkwardly. "It's hurts." She said simply. "What exactly happened to your foot?" I asked. She shook her head then asked quickly, "Why are you here?" I looked at her confused. "You told me to meet you here.. If you don't want-" I started to say getting up. "No, idiot. Why are you in Michigan..? America?" She said pulling me in the chair laughing.

God I missed her laugh, her smile. "Oh um, about that. Kylie, you know her right?" I said. Her eyes turned sad. "Yeah, yeah I know her. You do..too?" She asked her voice cracking. "Well, not exactly. She called me from your phone. She told me I was never going to see or hear from you again. She said she was going to hurt you. I thought she was going to kill you. I came as soon as possible." I said hoping she would believe me.

"Wait, you knew that she was going to kill me..?" She whispered. I nodded. "That's what she said on the phone-" "What did you say to her?" She interrupted. "I-I told her, that she wasn't going to get away with it. You're too strong, and smart." I said. "She told me something different.." She said taking a sip out of her drink. "What she say?" I asked. "She said you called me bad words, never wanted to speak to me again or have anything to do with me." She shrugged.

"You don't believe her.. Do you?" I asked. "I don't know, after what you said in-" "Jackie! I didn't mean anything! That's what I want to talk about!" I said raising my voice. "Then talk." She said calmly. I took a deep breath. "Tell me what happened to you first.. And that Alec kid." I said. "How do you know Alec?" She asked. "I'll tell you after. Now tell me." I said. She looked at me deep in eyes, her bottom Lip quivered.

But she shook it away. She opened her mouth and started telling me everything that happened since she stepped foot on the plane. I listened carefully about everything but extra careful about when she talked about Alec. "Wait, can I ask you something?" I interrupted her. She nodded. "How come you forgave Alec after what he did for all the years but not forgive me?" I asked. She opened her mouth then closed it.

She was thinking, I could tell. "I-I, I don't know. You haven't explained anything yet.. He did, and I believed him. Plus, he was going through a rough time- nevermind." She said. We looked at each other until she looked away. "Can you just tell what's going on?" She asked looking down. "Ok, but first.." I paused and she looked up. "First, I have to say, I didn't mean to hurt you. I was very very stupid. I would never mean to hurt a girl that means as much as you do to me." I said.

I smiled and bit and blushed, looking down. "I made you blush." I said with a big smile. She looked up and hit my arm. "Yeah yeah. Now speak." She said. I laughed and then started from the beginning of when she left.


He told me how Niall wanted to go out and have a drink, how everything went wrong. He told me how he doesn't remember much of that night, but he does know that he didn't have sex with a random girl. He said management gave him a fake girlfriend and how he tried to refuse, but it could've risked his carrer. He said that they had to get rid of me, I wasn't famous enough for the boys. And the girl they hired was a model. He again told me he was sorry about a million times.

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