Chapter 5: Let Go.

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I still can't believe Harry saved my life. The boy I just met actually cared about my life as much as he did about his own. That's truly amazing to me, since nobody ever really did something like this before. I laid on my bed taking all that happened in. I heard a knock on the door. I got out of bed and opened it. It was Kevin. "Jackie!! I heard you got the job!!" He picked me up and spun me around. "Yeah! Isn't it great?" I said. Kevin put me down slowly and grabbed my face. "You-you-you-you-" He stuttered.

"Yeah, I talked." I whispered. "Oh, my, Gosh. Jackie." He said tearing up. "Don't cry.. I just started talking 4 days ago.. The day I left." I said. (It's been a day since I came out of the hospital.) He looked at me in the eyes and hugged me until I couldn't breath. "Kevin. Can't. Breath." I gasped out. "Oh, sorry. I'm just so happy right now! We should have a celebration dinner!! How's tonight?" He asked putting me down. "That's sounds great! Tonight's perfect!" I smiled.

"Okay.. See ya tonight! Dress nice!!" He said before kissing my cheek. What the..? Why'd he kiss me? I closed the door and looked at the clock. Crap. I forgot to ask him what time. My phone went off. *Be Ready @ 6 -Kevin- .oxox.* I looked at the clock, it was 4:00. I ran into my bathroom and turned the water on. Nothing. "Come one.. Not now." I whispered. It wouldn't turn on. *Can it be 7:00?* I texted Kevin. He replied quickly a yes.

I searched through my contacts and found Harry. "Hello, Love!" Harry said. "Hi Harry.. Are you home?" I asked pacing through the room. "Yes, why?" He asked. "Um.. My water in my shower isn't working. I was wondering if I could take a shower at you place?" I asked. "Of course you can! We'll be here all day!" He said happy. "Thank you so much!! I'll be there in a bit." I said then hung up.

I grabbed a bag and stuffed my black strapless dress with red polka dots and my red blazer. I put in my black heels and curling iron. Also, my hairdryer and accessories. I looked down at what I was wearing. Yoga pants with plain green V neck. Oh well. I grabbed my keys and ran out the door.

I pulled into The boys driveway. I grabbed the bag and headed to the front door. I knocked. The door opened. "Who are you?" I girl with curly dark brown hair asked. "Jackie...?" I said looking behind her. "Okay, you can't be here.. This is private property." She said in a snotty voice. "Can you get Harry please." I said annoyed. "No." She closing the door. I yelled, "HARRY!!!!" Then I heard footsteps running, and he stood in the back of the girl.

He moved her out of the doorway. "Hello Jackie!!" He said opening the door wider for me to come in. "Hi Harry.. Where's a bathroom? I'm kind of in a hurry." I said giving him a hug. "Follow me!" He said taking my hand. We went up the stairs into a bedroom. "You can use my shower. I already got everything ready for you." He said opening the door. "Thank you again Harry. I'll be done in a bit.' I said closing the door. I locked it so nobody would come in.

I turned the shower on and undressed. I put my phone on shuffle and stepped into the hot water. I shampooed my hair and conditioned. Then shaved my legs carefully. I promised Harry I wouldn't cut anymore.. And I don't break promises. I washed my body and turned off the water. I stepped out and dried myself off. Slipped on my bra and underwear and put on my regular clothes, not my dress yet. I plugged in the curling iron and started to dry my hair.

After I finished curling my hair, I grabbed two pieces and pulled them back. I tied my Red bow around it and the back of my head. I slipped on my dress and heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I asked trying to zip it up. "Harry." He said. I opened the door and asked, "Can you zip this for me?" He nodded. I turned around, held up my hair with one hand and held my dress up with the other. He zipped it up and I put on my blazer.

"Where are you going all dress up?" He asked. I sat in the toilet and held up my heels and toms. "A date.. Which ones?" I said looking up. His face dropped. "Oh, I didn't know you had a boyfriend. And heels." He said scratching his head. "I didn't mean like a date, it's just dinner. I don't have a boyfriend.. He's just a friend." I said putting on my heels. "Good. I mean ok." He said playing with his fingers. "Who was that girl down there at the door?" I asked. "Oh, that was Liam's girlfriend, Danielle." Harry said leaning against the wall.

"Oh, I thought that was your girlfriend.." I trailed off getting red. "Noo, Danielle's too mean for me. I want somebody with brown hair, blue eyes, freckles, perfect smile, great personality, and Beautiful. Right now, I'm completely single." He said with a wink. I laughed nervously. I mean most the stuff he said described me. Was it possible that-.. No. Harry Styles would never like me. "So you don't like her, Huh?" I said standing up. He shook his head no.

"Nope. None of us do.. She really changed Liam into a different person." He said. I grabbed my bag and started packing up. "Really?" I asked. Maybe she's the one who changed Liam. "Yeah, If he wasn't dating Dani.. He would've never said anything rude to you." Harry said helping me. I grabbed my phone and looked at it. 6:30. "Harry, I'm sorry but I have to go. Thank you again for letting me come over." I said giving him a hug. "No problem." I started to walk down the stairs with him behind me. I saw Liam and Dani making out in the living. I rolled my eyes.

I headed out the door and to my car. "Wait! Jakie!" Harry yelled from the doorway. "Yeah?" I turned around. "I was wondering if you wanted to grab lunch with me tomorrow?" He said. "I'd love to." I said opening the car door. "I'll text you tonight!" He yelled before I shut the door. I backed out of the driveway and waved. Right when I turned the corner I screamed. Harry just asked me out, it's not like that happens every day.

When I got home it was about 6:45. I went up to my room and watched TV. I got up when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it up. "Hi!" I said happily. "Wow, you look amazing." Kevin said studying me. "Thank you!" I said. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded. I grabbed my purse and we headed out. We got into his car. "Where are we going?" I asked buckling up. "Apple Bees!" He said and started to drive off. We stopped at a red light and I could feel Kevin's eyes on me. I was really starting to get creeped out. Then he grabbed my hand.

I tried to pull away but he kept a tight grip on it. I felt really awkward and aware of Kevin for some reason. "I'm so happy you can talk now! Now we can really get close." He said rubbing my hand. I yanked it away from him. "I've been able to talk, thank you very much." I said. I heard him take a deep breath. A few minutes we pulled into Apple Bees. When we parked I got out the car quickly. He came around to my side and put hand around my waist.

"What are you doing?" I asked. "Being a gentlemen." He said with a big smile. We walked in and got a table fast. We sat down in the booth and started looking at the menus. "Hi, I'm Eric. I will be serving you today. Can I start you off with something to drink?" Eric said. "I'll have an ice water with no lemon please." I said. "I'll have a Pepsi." Kevin said. "They will be right out." Eric said walking away.

"Let's play a game!" Kevin suggested. "What game?" I asked putting my menu down. "The question game. We ask each other questions. You start!" He said. "Ok.. Why did you ask me out?" I asked. This, I really wanted to know. "I asked you out, because today you seemed so beautiful and happy!" He said. "Oh, I thought it was because I started to talk again." I said. "That too! Ok my turn. Do you have a crush in anyone." He asked with a smirk. Ew. I thought. "Yes, yes I do." I said. "Who?" He asked. "That is none of your business." I said.

After about an hour or so we walked out of the restaurant and back to the car. I pulled on the handle and got in. Kevin also got in, but didn't start the car. "I had fun tonight Jackie." He said moving in closer. Before I knew it he grab my face and started kissing me. I pulled away. "What the fuck?!" I yelled. "I like you.. A lot." He whispered then grabbed my face again. I pulled away and got out of the car. He did too. "Get back in the car, Jaclyn." He said clenching his jaw. "No, I'm not going home with you." I said. "Why not?" He said pulling my body closer to his.

Then kissed me again. I pulled away. "KEVIN? STOP!!" I yelled. But he kept on touching me.. Everywhere. I pulled away from his grasp and started to walk away. I felt his hand on my shoulder. "Don't walk away from me slut!" He yelled before slapping me across the face. He grabbed my arm and started pulling me back to the car. "Kevin, Stop!! Let Go." I said sternly. "Fine! Walk home." He yelled before he got into the car and drove off. My cheek burnt from him slapping me, I started to cry. I called the first person I thought of.



Authors Note:

Hi guys!!! Enjoying?? Please Vote, PLEASE! Really, that's on my Christmas list at least 5 votes by Christmas. More will be coming too. If you wanted to talk to me or give suggestions then comment. I feel as if you guys don't know how to. You press info when reading and it goes to my page. Thanks(:

-Sam .xoxo.

I Miss The Old You.. (1D Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon