chapter sixty

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he's left

Okay. I'll be there soon.


jiyoung waited patiently for another five minutes before she could see the trees outside begin to move suddenly.

she stood up, watching outside.

off into the distance, she saw a body shape in yellow and red clothing while holding a glider, their arms falling back to their sides as gushes of wind flew towards the house.

she watched as the person opened up the glider once again and began flying in the air, their glider swirling as they fell onto the roof. no sound was made.

the person on the roof let out short gusts of wind strong enough to turn the security cameras away from jiyoung's window just enough for the bars to be out of sight.

"you've made it," jiyoung smiled happily.

"i told you i was on my way, didn't i?" jinae smiled back, pushing air between the nails holding the bars until finally getting them off.

jiyoung carefully sat each of the bars down inside of her bedroom and reached onto the window ledge, pulled herself up to the roof using jinae's help.

there, jinae gave her a second glider she'd been hiding after the first time she came to check out where hyunjoon had been keeping jiyoung.

"alright, we've got about an hour before he gets back. maybe add a few minutes since he has to read everything on the food items to make sure it's perfect."

"it's fine. we've got enough to find to talk about everything for a bit. has he hurt you?" jinae asked attentively, looking over jiyoung's body to make sure she wasn't hurt anywhere.

jiyoung shook her head no, "he's stayed away ever since i was brought here, basically. we can get going now."

their gliders spun in the air quickly before they took off, flying through the air back to the republic.

jinae obviously led the way for jiyoung seeing as she hadn't been able to find where exactly she was or whether or not she was still at home.

she was happy to know they'd only moved a few minutes out of the republic, making it easier for her to get back to the academy to train and talk more with jinae.

"how has everyone been?" she asked, stepping into the practice room as jinae closed the door behind her.

"they've been okay recently. obviously, they're still hurting without you. especially jaemin."

jiyoung sighed, her heart aching at the mention of jaemin. "i miss them so much. i just want to go back to them."

jinae nodded as she took a seat on the floor next to jiyoung, "i know how hard it's been for each of you but right now the safest thing we can do is keep you there until we get the chance to take that man down while keeping each of you kids safe."

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