chapter sixty-three

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after the dance, jiyoung had rushed back home

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after the dance, jiyoung had rushed back home. her father had ended up leaving to meet up with a "friend" of his and said he'd be gone for an hour.

she took that hour to leave the house and attend the dance to watch jaemin from afar.

they missed each other more than either thought was possible. seeing him dressed up with no twinkle in his eyes or smile made her want to run up to him and cry as she told him everything was okay and they could be together now but she knew that was just a fantasy.

she needed a plan first. if she were to just escape now, her father and soojin could both turn her and the other's lives into hell.

she had spent the last two weeks after the dance to try and figure something out. the end of december was beginning to approach and she still didn't know what to do.

every time her father had left, jinae would come over and sneak her out for practice. she was like an eye in the sky, making sure hyunjoon really did leave before going to get jiyoung.

she still got to visit their other friends here and there but she didn't get to go out every day or every weekend, especially since they still had to attend training every other week along with school.

she spent most days cooped up in the same room, only using drawing and painting as a way to escape reality for a bit.

it was an unknown talent that she had. she knew she was okay at drawing different things and coloring inside the lines but without anything to look at as she drew, she managed to create her own pieces.

without an outline of what she was drawing, she'd be able to do it in her own style and do all the magic on her own. she noticed that without relying on something else for her art, she'd been able to draw much better.

"yeah, i know." she heard hyunjoon say from the living room.

once again on a phone call, speaker. when would he learn to turn that off? hopefully never.

"that ceremony is only a few days away, hyunjoon. you can do whatever you want with her after that but i need her to stay away long enough for me to get promoted to air councilmen." she heard soojin's voice say.

promoted to councilmen? what is she talking about?

worry and confusion boiled up in her stomach. jinae was the republic's air councilmen. how would soojin suddenly become one?

there was a ceremony coming. that's what soojin mentioned over the phone. does that mean she'll end up being promoted to air councilmen? does that mean all of her friends will also be promoted?

but what did jiyoung have to do with soojin's place on the council row? she didn't have any connections up there and she assumed that the children of the now councilmen would take over in their spots unless they either didn't fit the right element or they didn't have children.

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