chapter forty-one

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"ah, there's my future cousin-in-law!"

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"ah, there's my future cousin-in-law!"

jiyoung laughed as she walking inside nayeon's home, "is that even a thing?"

nayeon shrugged as she took jiyoung's bag and threw it over her shoulder, "no idea."

"jiji noona!" she heard a young voice yell. jiyoung turned to see the familiar young boy running towards her, just barely managing to move fast enough to catch him.

she smiled at him with the same smile she always had when seeing the boy, "hello to you as well, doyeon."

"why haven't you come over in so long? i haven't got anyone to play my games with!"

"hey, i play with you all the time!" nayeon said from beside jiyoung.

"you live here, it's different."

jiyoung giggled as she sat the boy back down, taking off her coat. "you know, i've been asked the same thing the other day by another friend of mine. maybe i should plan out my weeks better, huh?"

doyeon nodded enthusiastically, "please do so i can have another person to play with. nayeon noona is no fun playing with, seriously."

nayeon stepped in between the two, "alright, now. run along, doyeon. we've got things to talk about."

the little boy titled his head and put his hands on his hips, "like what?"

"boy stuff, now move along." nayeon said, her hand coming in contact with the side of his head and slightly pushing him to the side.

"gross." doyeon said, scurrying away back to the living room to play some more games.

jiyoung laughed as she walked up the stairs behind nayeon, both of them dropping onto the bed with two thuds.

"i'm so tired." jiyoung sighed.

nayeon agreed, "same. but we've got important things to do before you go on a date with jaemin." she said his name with a disgusted tone, making jiyoung look over at her with a smile.

"what's with the tone?"

"it's just that never in a million years did i ever imagine you going on a date with that guy."

"that guy." jiyoung laughed.

"yes, that guy! i wouldn't have been surprised if you got together with donghyuck or chenle, maybe even renjun! but jaemin? it's insane."

"well it's happening now so let's get to talking."

nayeon sat up and walked over to her desk to sit down in the fluffy chair. "ok so when is this date taking place?"

"two days from now on saturday at the amusement park downtown."

nayeon hummed insightfully as her chair rolled closer to her bed, the sound of the wheels against the hardwood floors echoing through the room.

"what's with the excessive humming?" jiyoung asked, finally sitting up on the comforter and realizing it wasn't the same light blue one with white details in the corner. "did you get new bed covers?"

nayeon hummed again as if she was in thought.

"alright, let it out. what are you thinking about now."

nayeon shrugged, "i just want to know how the hell you managed to convince jaemin to go to the amusement park. that boy isn't a scaredy cat- i'll give him that- but he hates crowded places with a passion and the amusement park is always crowded."

"really? he agreed almost immediately after i asked him," jiyoung said as she maneuvered her body, outstretching her legs to the end of the bed and resting her head on one of the many pillows at the top of the bed. her eyes closed slowly as she got more and more comfortable.

"man, he must be in love with you or something."

jiyoung nearly choked on the saliva in the back of her throat, her body propelling forward to keep it from going down the wrong tube.

nayeon giggled, "just jokes, just jokes. don't die before your date or he'll kill me. but anyways, here, you can have this for your date." jiyoung looked over to see nayeon tossing a container in the air and turning around back towards her desk.

her eyes had left just in time not to notice the weird air that left jiyoung's hand, pulling the container closer to her at a faster pace than it would have normally come if she just waited to catch it.

the movement was, of course, unintentional and took her by surprise but before she even knew it there was a thing of lipgloss sitting in her hands.

she examined it, not really sure what was so special about it.

"so what's so special about it? just looks like a regular thing of lipgloss."

nayeon nodded, "and that's exactly what it is. but more special, i guess you could say."

"more special?" jiyoung asked in an unconvinced voice, her elbows touching the blankets under her as she held herself upwards.

"yes, more special. it's the same brand of lipgloss i've ever worn on any date with jeno. when we were younger, i thought it was good luck. i know that the lipgloss isn't the reason for us staying together but it always held a special connection to me. so in return, i wanted to give you something like that."

jiyoung laid down again, "i understand. you're playing the big sister card on me now, aren't you?"

"yep, and i will be continuing to do so for a while so don't get too tired of me yet."


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