chapter one

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[ chapter one: welcome all]

welcome to my new book, HOME

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welcome to my new book, HOME.

please note, i am still working on my writing. so please do not be afraid to comment and let me know if i made a grammatical mistake or something of the sort.

if you didn't read the description, this book is an elemental bending au (alternate universe). meaning the characters will have earth bending, fire bending, air bending, and water bending like in atla and tlok.

since this is a jaemin book it will mostly center around his relationship with the main character but i can assure you there will be many, many moments with the group as a whole.

now if you continue to the next chapter, you will find which element each dream member processes!

now if you continue to the next chapter, you will find which element each dream member processes!

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well it's time to start a new story yet again

UPDATE: please go check out my other story i just published called WORLD OUTSIDERS :D

home, jaeminWhere stories live. Discover now