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I do admit that, before Godwin asked me out, there was a childish, petty part of me that wanted to break off Irwin and Tamara. Not because then I'd ask him out, but simply, purely out of spite. I even thought to groom her as my succesor just so their possible engagement and marriage were to be just that bit derailed.

I even got close to her in order to do it. However, as I got to know her -and she started to trust me-, as I followed Shiznee's designs while watching several other acolytes quit in less than two months, I started to reconsider that idea. And once I began to look at Godwin with new eyes, learning parts of him that were hidden to others, I felt at peace.

My life was good, and beautiful, and that wound of my younger self was healing as I grew, with Godwin and my dearest friend Azalea by my side, and that time alone I had dedicated to Shiznee and to self-reflection.

Instead I forgot anything regarding that idea, and kept on meeting with Tamara, from then on with real friendship in my heart. And since I had told no one of that plan, I kept my secret.

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