Christmas special

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After a few minuets of flying, the Tardis stops in the middle of space, waiting for its destination.

The Doctor: Alright, We're now in the middle of space. Have a look outside Amity.

Amity: Alright. Opens the Door to have a look, and sees the vast unknown. Sees the many stars in space, admiring the Beauty, wishing Luz was here with here. It's beautiful Doctor, they're so many stars. Have you you been to them all?

The Doctor: Well, I have seen many. But I was mostly staying on earth and was on the Pokemon world for a bit. But I have seen some beautiful worlds, and they are worth see. As the two were in the middle of enjoying the sight. The console started to make some beeping sounds.

Amity: Doctor, What's wrong?

The Doctor: I don't know. The scanners indicated something has enter inside the Tardis. Snaps his fingers to close the door, incase something Does go bad. He then sees a wrapped present on the ground. And there it is.

Amity: A tinny present?

The Doctor: And a nicely wrapped one too. Garbs out his Sonic and starts scanning it. Is it a gift? Cuase I can get mail during time travel some times. I once order a fez in my 11th incarnation, arrived to my 13th. Really late for me.

Amity: Interesting. Watches him put away his Sonic, and starts opening it. What is it?

The Doctor: A teleporter. And I think know where it leads to.

Amity: You do? Where will it take us.

The Doctor: One way to find out. Quick, grab my shoulder.

Amity grabs his shoulder, as the two were teleported out of the Tardis, ready to see what will happen.


The two teleported onto a snowy planet and look around to see the area.

Amity: Doctor, Where are we?

The Doctor: No idea. We might be on a snow planet called hoth, the moon of geonosis, etc.

Amity: That isn't really helpful. Bumps into something and falls down to the ground.

The Doctor: Amity! Sees her fe'll down, and was about to help. Until the thing she bumped turns out to be a man. The person tries to help her up.

???: Oh my, sorry my dear girl. Let me help you up. Helps her get back on her feet. There we go, take it easy now. The effect of the teleportation can be dizzy at first, but once you get it together, you are find. Can you stand?

Amity: Yes, I think so. Thank you kind sir. When she got a better look at him, she paused at the sight. It was the 1st incarnation of the Doctor. Doctor, Looks over to her version of the Doctor. is that who I think it is?

14th Doctor: Sees his first incarnation in front of him, remembers a little of this since this has happen before. Yep, it is. This has happen before. Checks on his watch. And the other should arrive... Sees another person shows up. Now.

???: Looks around and sees the 14th Doctor. Are you the one who invited me here?

14th Doctor: No, but I will tell you to look at the original on your left, number 12th. Revealing that man was his 12th incarnation.

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