Times Upon a Swap

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(Author's note: This chapter is super quick, basically its just the normal episodes, but cuts back to John once in awhile. Other than that, enjoy.)

Eda: Only one thing to do when friends can't see eye to eyes.

John: Talk it out like normal people?

Luz: Hug each till we pass out?

King: Fight to the death!!!

Eda: Pfft, no. Body swap!

King: Looks at Luz and John. You sure you two don't shot venom?


John: Heads back to the house. I know something is gonna go down. Just hope they will be greatful for this. Starts inventing a machine, thanks to Eda Brinnging stuff from the human world.

(Rest goes as normal)

John: Finish the machine. Alright, Lets do this. Starts running back to the town, 10 minutes later, he made it back to the stand, but no one was their. Dang, where could they be? Sees Eda's Staff, and grabs it. Thank God that this is still here. Hears the others, and starts running towards them. He then sees them getting corner, he then jumps into the fray.

Luz: John your here!!!

John: Yep, I knew something like this will happen.

Lilith: In the name of the Empore's coven, you are all under arrest.

John: Alright, did everyone learn each others hardships in life?

All 3 of them: Yep.

John: Good, cuase I have this. Shows machine, and it dings. Ding.

King: What's that?

John: It's a body swapping machine that goes... Ding. Makes a ding sound again. Made it myself, and with this... Places on staff, type in the code, and it swaps them all back to their bodies. Bam!!! Mad man with his gadgets!!!

Eda: Not bad John.

(Rest goes the same)

(Authors note: I know Eda could've change everyone back, but I felt like this was a better way for John to be included.)

(To be continued)

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