Origins of the Doctor: Part 1

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(Author's note: I know that this episode is based on why Amity and Willow were friends in the past, but I feel like this episode is perfect for the others (mainly Luz and Amity) to Know who John/The Doctor was and all the lives he's been through. Also, this chapter will be in two parts since the 1st part will be on Classic Doctor who, while part 2 will be on modern Doctor who. Last thing, in this chapter, I will not touch on the fugitive doctor since we still don't know who she really is. With that out of the way, enjoy the chapter.)

John: Standing over his class, while seeing Luz and Amity sitting next to each other. Time! Time Dosn't pass. The passage of time is an illusion and life is the magician... Becuase life only lets you see one day at a time. You remember being alive yesterday. You hope you're going to be alive tommorow. So, it feels like you're traveling from one to the other. But nobody is moving anywhere. Movies don't really move. They're just pictures, lots and lots of pictures, all of the still, non of them moving. Just frozen moments. But if you experience those pictures one after the other... then everything comes alive.

Few hours later

Luz enters John's classroom to see how he's doing.

Luz: Am I on time... Professor Smith?~ Laughing at the professor part.

John: Reading a book about "Building Motorcycles 101", while smiling at what she said. That's a very big question. Snaps his fingers, and the doors close. He closes his book, and the two hug each other, hard to believe that he is a teacher now.

Luz: So, how is it being a teacher now?

John: Well, it's not bad. I feel like I'm teaching them something.

Few hours eariler back

John continues his speech about time.

John: Imagine if time all happens at once... Every moment of your life laid out around you... Like a city. Streets full of buildings made of days. The day you were born. The day you die. The day you fall in love. The day that loves ends. A whole city builts from triumph and heartbreak and boredom and laughter and cutting your toenails. It's the best place you will ever be. Time is a structure relative to ourselves. Time is the space made by our lives... where we stand together, forever... Grabs a maker and starts writing on the white board. Time And Relative Dimension... In... Space. Puts the marker away and walks In front of the class. It means life.

An hour later

After Luz and John got done talking.

John: Sees the two kids fighting. Kid Fight, people!!!


Luz: About to head to be next class, which was teaching about memories with Magic, then looks at John, and gets an idea. John, you should join us. We could see what your past was. You may not your remember, but it should still be in your head.

John: Starts thinking about it. Then finally has an answer. That's actually a good idea. Let's do it, besides, no one comes to my class next period.

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