Something Timey, Someone Wimey

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John: Those shirts are cool.

Eda: Thank you, at least Someone likes the shirts. Leaves the house.

John: Watches both Eda And King leave. I better make sure she dosn't kill him. Goes outside to check on Eda.

John and Eda: Watches Hooty trying to eat a fly. ... We gotta get that girl into school...

(Rest is the same for a bit.)

John: Ah, that's not bad. We can knock it out in a day if we don't slack off.

10 minuets later.

John: Looks on the list, and sees that Eda messed with nerve system at the school, and got started on it. Alright, that dosn't look to bad. Opens a door to the nerve and started looking around for the problems. Alright, what did she do to you?.... Ah, their you are. Grabs out his Sonic and points at the main part, then the nerve repaired it self, and the school's power is restored.

(I'm just making this up as I go, if you know what it is Eda did and how John can fix it, let me know.)

Principle Bump: Sees John restoring the power, and was impressed at what smart thinking he can do.

John: Looks at the list, and sees that Eda messed up Windows on the upper level. He then grabs a letter and cleaning supplies, then goes up and gets ready to clean up the mess.

Amity: Doing her school work, until she notices John climbing up the window, her face went extremely red. She then got up from her seat and walk towards the window and opens it. What are you doing here?!

John: Oh, hey Amity. Just here cleaning, that's all. Nothing to worry about.

Teacher: Takes notice. Can I help you sir?

John: Looks at teacher. Hello, don't worry about me. Just cleaning these windows. Looks at the board about abominations. Also, that's wrong.

Amity: Looks at him in at a serious way. No, you are not doing this to me. I'm trying to learn, and your just cleaning the windows. Not this.

John: Just saying. That's not right.

The two argue a bit until John brings up the point from abominations book 101's biography. The she gave him a "really?" look.

Amity: Just leave. We can hang out later.

John: Shrugs a bit, and finishes cleaning the windows, and continues to work on Eda's list of wrongs.

(Rest goes the same until Luz gets accepted to Hexide.)

Principle Bump: Walks over to John. As for you Mr. Smith, I would like you to join our school as our Caretaker.

John: Surprised at what he said. For real?

Principle Bump: Of course. I'm impressed by you capabilities at fixing our school, and we could use those skills to make sure the school is in tip top shape.

John: Feels happy at what he is saying. Sir, I'll be glad to join your school as its care taker.

Principle Bump: Excellent, you'll start when the next semester stars. With that out of the way, lets get the paper work done.

Both John and Eda follow him to get the paper work done for Luz being in the School and John for being the Caretacker.

Later that day, they look at Eda's old yearbook at hexside from her younger days.

Luz: Wow, Bump was not exaggerating. You were a terrible student.

John: Yea, that was a lot of misdeeds.

(To be continue)

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