(Announcement) An end and new beginning...

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Hey everyone, to those who sticked by the story for the past 3/4 years, I really appreciate the love and support of you guys accepting this story.

But now... I need to end this once and for all...

I made this story when I was in the first year of high school around December. I just got in the owl house series, and I wanted to see some crossovers. To my surprise, there was not a lot of works of both Doctor Who and The Owl House.

This was the only thing that someone made of the two together.

This was the only thing that someone made of the two together

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Yeah, this was the only thing that exists. So I wanted to push this crossover idea to reality. But now, there's more of it on the internet. I won't say I inspire this idea, but I was kinda the first to actually put it on the internet.

But when season 1 was over and I managed to catch up, made the Christmas special to the first episode of season 2, I just lost interest.

After looking it over the story, I saw how much my writing skills have improved. I tried to re-fix this story, but the way I had it in the past just seems so lazy. I constantly repeated past events from Doctor Who, and I couldn't think of anything original.

I made this like a script, but I realized it was wrong because that's not very interesting. I use clips of episodes, because I was lazy of writing lines from the Owl House, yet keep being deleted because YouTube and Disney won't let us have nice things.

I now know this story is not my best work. I appreciate that you guys sticked around for this, but I can't continue it anymore.

I won't delete the story, because this was one of my first stories I ever made, so it's part of my legacy and I will keep it around for people to see where my start of writing began.

So yeah, this is the end of the story...

But, this will the beginning of something new.

After seeing the three David Tennant specials after the Chibnall era, I feel inspired to do better and have a new start of things for this crossover idea. The way I feel Russel T. Davis and Steven Moffat would have their stories of Doctor Who would be told.

With that said, I will be rebooting this story.

Now that The Owl House is finally over, and we now have a new beginning for Doctor Who again, I feel that it's time to restart things again. Bring a new taste, yet still have a the way the two shows should be.

I will be working three Doctor Who stories in the future. Two for the Owl House fans and 1 for the Whovians.

I will do a reboot of this idea and a 10th Doctor version of him being in the Owl House. Next thing, a 10th Doctor "What If? story."

Basically a what if David Tennant stayed as the Doctor to Series 13. I don't have a big idea on what to do with it at the moment, but it's something I want to do since not a lot of people have written a proper 10th Doctor meet series 5-13 companions and adventures.

With that all done, I thank you all on this wonderful adventure with this story. I wish I could do more, but I can't continue this damaged I did when I was younger. But I look forward to the future of Doctor Who and what I do next for these series.

As always, I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you all later. Stay cool people. 😎

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