Journey in the Elements

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John: Grabs some stuff from Eda's Trash stuff. This will come in handy.


John: Grabs the food items for Eds. There you go Eda. Fresh food for tonight.

Eda: Thanks John.

Eda: And who's fault is that?

John: Uh... Yours?

Eda:.. Ha, yep. Got me their.

They talk for awhile till they arrived to "The Knee" so Luz can learn another spell.

John: Well ain't this lovely.

Eda: Though, its not without its dangers. The group sees a gaint monster eating on wood. The slither beast. Don't worry, if you don't mess with it, they won't mess with you.

John: Wow, that thing is huge. Both him and Luz walk away so they don't get into troublde.

The three of them take a look around the area, until they got blasted at. Luckily, it was only Amity training with her siblings.

Amity: Sorry, whoever you are?!!

John: Runs over to see what's going on, then stops when seeing Amity. Oh, hey Amity!!! Waves at her.

Amity: Smiles when seeing John. John! What are you doing here?

John: Oh nothing. Just here to help Luz practice her spells.

Luz: John?!! Gets super embarrassed.

John: What? Just telling my friend what's up.

A little later they tell each other what's happening and how they're helping Luz learn more about magic. John also noticed that Luz was acting strange towards Amity.

John: Gets confused a bit at what's happening. I feel like I'm sensing a pattern here. Said in his mind.

Amity: Well, I gotta train some more. See you later John.

John: Alright then. Akward friend hug? Opens up for the hug.

Amity: Feels embarrassed, especially with Luz and her siblings watching, but she can't leave him opening... Akward friend hug.

The two hug, and then said "Pat, Pat". Both luagh and went their separate ways.

The group is watching amity training, but when she fell into the snow, John notice Luz acting up again.

John: She's doing it again. Something's up. Said in his head.

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