Enchanting Grom Fright With a Timelord

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John: Notice that Luz is freaking out about not being at summer camp. It's gonna be fine Luz, whatever you choose, I'm sure your mom will support you.

Luz: Feels happy at what he said. Thanks John.


After Luz and John arrived at the school, they see His and Willow, and the announcement of Grom.

John: Gonna be honest, not a big fan for big social events. Always feel like something bad might happens to those things.

Luz: Got nervous a bit because she remembers in his memories that bad things do happen when he's at social events. Oh r-really? I wonder why?

John: Got confuses at the tone of her voice, but just ignores. Thinking its unimportant.

Later that morning, John started his class. Today's lesson of earth was crop rotation, unfortunately he started giving a lecture on space.

(Rest goes the same)

John: Gets into a black suit for Grom, then heard how Luz is fragile, then sees her leave having a gaint spider on her head. Ehhhh.... Feeling groosed out by the spider, then looks at Eda and King. I think she'll be good at this. We've seen her done some things that seems impossible for others.

(Rest goes the same.)

John: Sees what going on outside, but is not interfering. Not even gonna ask.

Later that night, Amity and John met up with each other and arrived to Grom.

John: Black suits, I feel like whenever I wear theses things, bad things happen.

Amity: Laughs a bit, since he said that before in his 10th incarnation. She decides to quote what Martha said to him. It's not the outfit, its just you. Anyway, it suits. The bowtie dose work with you.

John: Smiles at what she said. Thanks, I do like bowties. I think they are cool.

Amity: Luagh a little since that's what his 11th incarnation always says. Yea. Your outfit looks like what Luz said, "James-bond".

John: Looks at her, surprised at what she said. James bond? Luaghs a small bit. Interesting.

The two enter the school and watch how the night played out.

John: Watching Luz and Amity having a fun time together, and smiles at them.

John: Watching King leave the stage. ... Eh, I think he'll be fine.

John: Sees Luz in trouble and decided to help her. Luz!!! When he went down to help her, he looked at the monster, until it notice him. Took all of his fears and showed all 14 Doctor's. Visions of their lives started appearing to him.

John: Started crying and run out of the school. Hearing voices in his head saying "Doctor", "Regeneration", and "Timelord".

Amity: Sees John leaving, then Luz doing the same while being chase by the monster. John, Luz!!!

John: The two ran to the ledge out of the forest, then John falls down. Luckly he grab the end of the ledge and hold onto it as long as he can.

Luz: John!!! Tries to get him back up, until the monster arrives and about to attack. Luckily, Eda and Amity arrived.

Unfortanlty, small bits of the monster reformed, and turn into a Dalek. Luz and Amity realized that John was still on the ledge, they turn around and saw that he got up, grab his Sonic, and dissolve the Dalek monster into nothing.

John: Hello... I'm the Doctor.

The group got back to the house to get some rest, when John was about to leave to his room, Luz stop him.

Luz: John... Do you know who you are now?

John: Not fully... I'm still not sure who or what I am. But I know one thing... I'm The Doctor, and I will always be him. No matter what, that name will always be with me. Starts to get ready for bed, and before he went to sleep, he grabed that watch from his old cloths, and keep wondering why its always special.

Before Luz went to sleep, she looks at a picture of her and the group, but mostly at Amity. She feels something down her heart changing, but still dosn't know what she is feeling.

(To be Continued)

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