Convention and a Past life

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(Author's Note: I don't know what the 8th doctor's favorite food. So I'm staying with bananas for now. If you know what it is, let me know so I can fix it.)

(I do not own Doctor Who or The Owl House.)

Seven years ago on the boiling isles, a little girl is on her bed getting ready to sleep. But she's having a hard time due to the crack on her wall.

Before laying down, she hears a noise outside of her house, she sees a blue box and runs outside.

Before laying down, she hears a noise outside of her house, she sees a blue box and runs outside

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The little girl looks at the box and is wondering what it is. The doors then open and sees a strange man in unusual cloths.

 The doors then open and sees a strange man in unusual cloths

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"Hello. Do you have any Bananas? I'm really hungry right now." The stranger asked.

"...What is that thing?" The little girl asked.

"It's my box, I travel with it. Why you ask?"

The girl looks at him. "Who are you? And why are you at my house?"

"I'm the Doctor. I've came here cause, one, my box told me that something is going wrong on here. And two, I'm hungry."

She then realised something. "Would a scary crack on a wall be wrong?..."

The Doctor looks at her in a confuse way. "...Perhaps. I'll have to know where it is. But first, can you please give me some food. Nothing good in my box."

Few minuets later...

Both walk inside and the little girl gives the man a banana.

"Thank you, I've been starving for this for an hour." He them sees a pear and gets disgusted by it. "Don't eat pears. They're too soft and taste terrible."

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