Escape of the Weeping Palisman

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John: Watching King trying to be a ruler, but gets stop by a certain kid. How adorable. Then notices Eda passing out, then coming back due to her curse. Well, that our cue. Lets roll. All of them started running back to the house.


Luz: John, you coming?

John: Why not, I can see what I need to do when I start my Job. Both walk out and went to the school.

Luz: What about you John? Why didn't you hop on?

John: Eh, wouldn't be fun without you on the trip.

Luz: Aww!!!

John: Gets embarrassed, and looks away.

They talk a bit until Willow mentions the staff part, Luz then got the idea to borrow Eda's staff. They then run back to the house.

John: You sure this is a good idea?

Luz: Positive. All I need to do is ask and we're on our way.

John: Alright. All of them wait outside for a minute until Luz came out.

All of them crash and sees Owlbert hurt and flew away.

John: Owlbert, no!!! Come back!!!

All of them run into the forest, and met the Bat-Queen.

John: Well, ain't this lovely...

John: Grabs Luz's hand, showing he's with her till the end. We do this together.

Luz: Nods in agreement. We accept your challenge.

(The rest goes the same until John gets his own challenge.)

Bat-Queen: For your challenge, you must carry this torch to the top on of the area with this tiny family of bugs and send them back home by lighting the torch.

(Could've made this better, but it is what it is.)

John: That dosn't seem all that bad. Grabs torch and started climbing up.

John: Sees Luz getting attacked, and try to jump into the fray. Luz!!!

John: Run Luz!!! Helps Willow and Gus deal with the Bat-Queen's babies.

(Rest goes the same)

John: Walks right next to Luz after dealing with the babies. Well, that happened.

Later that night. Luz and John are hanging out outside watching the stars.

Luz: Thanks for the help back their. It was intense.

John: No problem. We weirdos gotta stay together, right?

Luz: Right. The two fist bump each other knowing they can do anything when together. She then notices that he's acting strange when looking at the stars. Something wrong?

John: Maybe, I feel something in the air. Like something is coming.

Luz: Like what?

John:... A storm.

The two look at the stars not knowing what's gonna happen in the future.

(To be continue)

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