Origins of the Doctor: Part 2

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(Now in this chapter, you can ignore the 12th and 13th Doctor and just use the 10th or 11th in this story since in chapter 4, he said he was around his 16 to his 20's. But again, my story, my version of having a 14th Doctor and meeting the pokemon series stays. Hope you enjoy.)

Both Luz and Amity escaped the Dalek by entering the 7th Doctor's memory fragment.

Luz: I think we lost it.

Amity: what is that thing doing here?...

Luz: I don't know, but I did notice it has the purple flame that almost destroyed his memories. So some of the flames is still trying eat.

Amity:... Then we need to work fast. If we want John back, we need to know why he has these memories and save him before he dies.

Luz: Looks at her straight in her eyes, feeling what she said, feeling her face warming up a bit for her determination. She kinda admires that in her. Then she nods in agreement. Right, lets do this.

The two of them look around the area, notice they are in the Tardis, but in a different consol room. Almost looks like a library. They see a broken shelf, and repaired it, then the memory plays out. Shows the 8th Doctor after 7th regeneration, meeting Grace and Charlotte, stopping The Master, meeting a woman known as "River Song". Suddenly, the memories ends and kicked them out of the fragment.

Luz: Looking all confused. What just happened?...

Amity: No! Tries to re-enter the fragment, but nothing was working. Please, I need to know what happen to him!.. Lets out a few tears.

Luz: Amity... Gets a grip of her, an hugs her, trying to comfort her. The man you knew... He's gone. There are 6 more memories of his incarnation. What ever happened to him, he died for a reason for the good.

Amity: Let's out a few more tears, and hugs Luza back, her tears started to flow out. He promised me that he would return... But he never did...

Luz: Lets go of the hug. It's parboly for a reason. Then hears the Dalek coming their way.

Dalek: Exterminate!!! Starts shooting at the two.

Amity: Got herself together. We got to go.

Luz: Right, C'mon! Grabs Amity's hand and started to run to the 9th Doctor's memory fragment. They then gave a minute to calm down, then got back to work.

Amity: Sees the Tardis, and tge broken item was a phone inside the Tardis door. Found it.

Amity repairs it, then the memorie plays as they watch the 9th Doctor meeting Rose Tyler, stopping Dummies droids, stopping the Daleks, and giving his life to save Rose.

Luz: He gave his life for her.

Amity: Trying to get her mind wrap around what he means that he's the last Timelord. What does he mean he's the last of the timelords, what happened to them?

Luz: Alright... We got the slip.

Amity: Good, lets fix this memory,

They enter the memory, Luz saw a brown coat, and put it on a hanger. Then the memory starts to play. Showing the 10th Doctor on his adventures, meeting Sarah Jane Smith and K9 again, saying goodbye to Rose, meeting Mathra Jones, Donna Noble, seeing his daughter again, was told that he would die by 4 knocks, stop The Master, and died while trying to save Donna's Grandfather, said his final goodbyes to his companions before regeneration.

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