A Meeting With A Slayer (Volume two)

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It's been a little while since I've returned to Axel and I haven't heard anything from my party members... Why should I care if they wanted anything from me they would contact me to convince me to do something for them. An example would be Aqua whenever she wants booze; she will act like she cannot live without it. Whenever I do something out of the goodness in my heart, I get the short end of the stick. Darkness is one of the people who doubt that I even care about her. What is the point if the people I care about don't think much about me.

Silver: "You've just met them, right? Give it a bit of time they will warm up to you sooner or later. Megumin considers you a close friend as does Kazuma as for Aqua I think she thinks that you're more than spare change to get some booze. Darkness thinks that you've just been nice to her because Kazuma is always harsh on her, good cop, and bad cop situation, you know? That is if you want our council."

As soon as I got on the next carriage, he appeared in front of me headed to the next location I needed to be at. I pinched my nose as I let out an annoyed sigh.

(Y/n): "No one asked for your thoughts. Plus, you never reveal yourself if you didn't want to ask me to do something for you or if you're going to test me on something."

Silver slammed his book closed and set it beside him as he stared deeply into my eyes. He seemed to be smirking after the sun revealed his mouth.

(Y/n): "What the hell's up with you?"

Silver: "Your hubris prevents you from doing what's necessary. Charging towards Beldia only to be gutted believing that you'd end it in one stroke. Trying to lead the adventurers to stop the Destroyer from detonating even though you never inspired anyone or did anything similar in nature, the only thing you did was charge in to appeal to the fantasy that your someone who could cause change. The most recent case is you not realising that your ideas were not foolproof, those included saving Kazuma and convincing Yunyun to say that you're harassing her."

(Y/n): "No one asked for your opinion. Begone now, Silver..."

Silver: "We shan't leave until we're done saying what we want."

(Y/n): "You go about trying to lecture me, even though you don't understand anything... What do you have to get involved in everything? Isn't my personal affairs off limit for you! You said so yourself."

Silver: "I said I would not mess with your affairs. I never said I wouldn't give you my thoughts; they never mattered in the first place even if I voiced them. Have you ever had an interest in Greek tragedies?"

I ignored him looking at the passing fields, which prompted him to stand from where he was sat, and he grabbed me by my cloak as he pulled me up to his level.

Silver: "Icarus, Hercules, Narcissus and many more all had something in common, and you know what it was... hubris. Icarus had too much self-confidence going near the sun after being instructed not to leading to his downfall. Hercules thought himself better than the gods, leading them to give him the twelve labours after finishing them, he returned to his family, and you know what one of the gods did they had struck him with madness in which he murdered his entire family. Narcissus was out and about during the day until he found a pond which he saw his reflection in doing so, causing him to fall in love with himself, staying in place looking at himself until he starved to death. So, tell me... will you fail as Achilles did due to his pride driving his every action or will your confidence in your immortality lead you to your downfall. Your hubris blinds you from the truth your downfall will not be the inability to comprehend how the thing you most fear is going to be losing or dying but, how much you are afraid of love."

I grabbed hold of his armoured hands, causing him to let go of me. I clicked my tongue as I returned my gaze to the man in front of me.

(Y/n): "What do you know about that?"

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