One Last Escapade (Volume Three).

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I now laid on the couch while Kazuma and Megumin were out on her Explosion run. So, there I was, just sitting spaced out and unsatisfied after everything I went through all I got was a brief moment of pleasure, and then all that remained was a sour aftertaste. Silver said that he would be taking care of things on his end, fixing up the place and presenting the case of my noble heritages to the Kingdom King where he secured my throne, but that is not public knowledge; only the King and his family knows of my position. I was exhausted to the point where I did not respond to any outside stimulus, Chip came and spoke to me, and I ignored him and then Aqua came complaining. That is when Kazuma and Megumin came back; after a while, a chess board was laid on my lap as Megumin and Aqua played against each other. That is when a knock came on the door. I heard Darkness welcoming Yunyun, and once they were in the living room.

Yunyun: "I want to have children with Kazuma!"

What? What did she just blurt out! From the shock, I got up from my seat and sent the pieces flying.

Aqua: "(Y/n)! What did you do!"

She started her usual sobbing act.

Kazuma almost spat out his tea as Darkness spilt hers accidentally, while Megumin was so shocked she held a chess piece in her hand.

Kazuma: "Would you mind repeating what you had just said?"

Yunyun: "I said I want to have your children!"

A few moments of uneasy silence followed.

Kazuma: "The first child has to be a girl."

Yunyun: "No, it must be a boy!"

(Y/n): "You have to be kidding me, Yunyun! There are many suitors out there. Do you really think Kazuma is the best!"

Kazuma: "Hey, watch it!"

Megumin: "Hold on for a moment, you two think this through! How did you both reach this conclusion? Take it slow. Understand what you two are saying and jumping into."

Darkness: "I agree with Megumin. I don't know what exactly happened between you too but don't be so rash! Do you know what kind of man Kazuma is?"

Aqua: "(Y/n), you have to make it up to me."

Is she serious? Something life-changing is happening and what matters to you is some stupid game you probably would not have won either way. Megumin currently holds Yunyun and is shaking her violently.

Megumin: "You're far too rash! Tell me precisely what is happening!"

Yunyun: "If I don't have children with Kazuma, then the world. The Demon King will..."

Yunyun struggled with what she was saying.

Kazuma: "If the world is in danger, then, everyone don't not worry, leave it to Yunyun and me; we will have a child, and the world will be saved from the Demon King. How can I reject the request of someone in need?"

Once this was said, they started bickering among themselves to the point where it escalated into a fight. It has been a while since this group got on my nerves.

(Y/n): "Silence!"

Once everyone stopped their bickering and looked at me.

(Y/n): "Good, now that things have calmed down, I can ask Yunyun. Now tell me, how did you arrive to this conclusion that Kazuma is the person to have a child with?"

Yunyun: "If I don't, the Crimson Demon village will disappear!"

(Y/n): "Fine, now tell what was it that made you think Kazuma is the person who is going to save the Crimson Demons?"

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