A New Dawn (Volume Three)

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The reinforcement and my party's arrival came as a surprise, but a welcome one, nonetheless. Standing in the war room, I was enveloped by my advisors; each party member except Megumin took their place as the leader of each battalion respectively. Silver was the only advisor on standby without anything to lead. Therefore, the only people contributing to the council were Kazuma, Wiz and Silver. Kazuma had suggested that we request more supplies from the Kingdom and establish resilient supply roots by having patrolling garrisons protect the routes. Moreover, my lovely friend suggested reinforcing the fort.

Kazuma: "(Y/n), I suggest reinforcing the Fortress with Ballista's; each tower can hold a number of them. Not only will this prove to be a clear advantage, but the mages on the other side will also prove useless unless they target the guard towers."

Wiz: "This is why I suggest we erect barriers to render any magic useless, stripping the enemy of their main firepower. To do that, Mages will have to pitch the obstacles themselves and hold them up until the next person in line takes control and continues what his predecessor was doing."

Kazuma: "The barriers can be brought down from a simple dispel spell, so how useful are they actually, if someone can take them down without any work put in."

Silver: "Perhaps there is no need to be preoccupied with such a conundrum. For the solution is already presented, the person with the solution is our dear General."

(Y/n): "Are you suggesting that I use runes to create the barriers that will protect our fortress from magical attacks?"

Silver nodded his head in affirmation as I let out a sigh.

Kazuma: "What seems to be the problem?"

(Y/n): "The problem with rune inscribing is that it is either a hit or miss. I don't know if there is any rune that can hold up long enough against enemy fire. The only ones I experimented with were offensive and reinforcing and weight alteration. There was mention of runes that carried the characteristics of barriers that could withstand magical attacks. However, they were far too complex to be done in a short time, and the space these runes cover is unknown. There is the matter that runes are very volatile. I can't ensure your safety if I had employed them in defence of the stronghold; this can explode in our faces because we were not very careful."

Kazuma: "(Y/n), we have to try. It is the only way to secure and establish a strategically advantageous position; we will need to reinforce this place, and the enemies far outnumber us. We only currently have thousands at hand, and the enemy can easily number in the hundreds of thousands. Upon achieving such a task, (Y/n) we will be able to send small armies of adventurers commanded by some of us to retake counties from the enemies."

Silver: "Can you not reinforce the fort with more than one rune to boost its capabilities to a new height?"

Wiz: "I agree with (Y/n). Runes are dangerous, and practitioners are becoming scarce because of the complexity of such trade and its dangers. Plus, the return on investment is far too little in the long run; if you incorrectly carve the rune, it can have a different effect than intended resulting in a decisive defeat on our end."

Silver: "Our General is not a freshman in this trade, friend. He is a master at his craft, and his works are the real deal."

Wiz seemed sceptical of what Silver was telling her. Her fear of runes is well-founded. But, from her expression, she wants to see Silver back his words with proof.

Wiz: "May I see the works you seem so sure of?"

Silver looked at me. Pulling out my blade from my Sheath, I laid it vertically where it was visible to everyone at the table; as I hovered my hand over the length of the blade glowed brightly blue. Wiz's eyes widened in surprise.

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