A Request from a Slayer (Volume two).

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Whoa, now that was one hell of a quest, the amount they pay for quests to get rid of threats is quite absurd honestly. Who is capable of supplying a hundred gold pieces. I've undertaken many quests while I was in this country, I came to the understanding that this country also seems to be plagued by a different Demon lord. I've managed to speed through the ranks by proving myself, some of the newbies in this adventurers guild have gone as far as comparing me to Goblin slayer. They couldn't be any more wrong; I'm far more powerful than Goblin slayer. However, Goblin slayer's tenacity is freighting, the way he does battle with goblins. Well, he did make a name for himself by undertaking goblin quests even without any magic he single-handedly cleared a nest of them by his lonesome, but I cannot help it, you have got to admire the guy. Emerald, huh? I thought that I could have earned a better rank, but that is good enough for me. I should really return to my party they must be worried about me as I was about to head out and take the earliest carriage leaving town that'll take me across to Axel. I breathed out a sign, this little vacation was fun while it lasted... I got up from where I was sat and headed for the door upon reaching it I heard someone calling.

Guild girl: "Hey, mister Swordsman, you didn't take any kind of quest today? Is something the matter?"

(Y/n): "Well, I think I've overstayed my welcome in this country, and I might be worrying my party over nothing for disappearing for as long as I have now, back home in Axel. I'd better head back soon before they begin posting up missing posters of me."

Aqua would most likely do that since I am just not capable of saying no to her. Wait, a moment if she did post a poster of me missing what would she write on it, 'Favorite person in the world'... Who am I kidding she is going to write 'Favorite Servant.'

(Y/n): "Well, I better get going! Until we meet again, Guild girl!"

As I approached the exit in came Goblin slayer. As I was near the doorway, Goblin slayer motioned for me to stay for a moment, I can only see two ways this could end, and I don't like either of them. Spearman looked to Goblin slayer.

Spearman: "It seems you're still kicking, Goblin slayer. Haven't seen much of you as of lately. Did you want something?"

Goblin slayer: "Would all of you spare a minute. I would like it if you listen to this. I have a request for the adventurer's Guild."

A couple of remarks were sent Goblin slayer's way. Some of which included his routine of going solo. He has found himself a party to go with, one of the adventurers was jealous of the fact he was accompanied by two cute female adventurers. Others were either uninterested or just told him to take care of it.

Goblin slayer: "A Horde is coming our way; the farm is in danger. I expect them to arrive by night; I don't know how many are in the horde. Judging by the number of scouts that were sent... A Goblin Lord is most likely leading them. I estimate the number must be around the hundreds."

Wait... didn't he just say that he didn't know the amount of the incoming horde now he does...? Or, was he just testing the waters before dropping that bomb? His voice didn't convey any emotion, so it's pretty tricky to determine if he was hiding anything. The Guild suddenly burst into chatter as some were surprised that a lord was present in the horde and another part of the Guild was more concerned with the amount that was heading their way. The Newbies were confused about the concept of a Goblin Lord. Goblin Slayer went off to explain what a Goblin Lord is. Basically, a leader and tactician who has made a group of Goblins into an organised army.

Goblin Slayer: "We are going to be facing the Goblin Lord and all of which who have rallied behind him. We don't have much time, and I can't hope to stand a chance against them by myself in an open field. I beseech you, please."

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