An Electrifying Adventure (Volume One).

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Passing through the streets of Axel that I grew accustomed to over the passing months. Every single time I passed through this area, there seems to be nothing new around here at all. Upon losing myself in my train of thought, I bumped into someone who apologised before she started walking quickly to her destination, I didn't have time to take a look at who it was. I looked at where she fell only to find that she dropped a necklace that seemed familiar. Picking it up, I held it close to my face as it swayed back and forth. It had three lines, one of them connected both sides, while another one was two-thirds of the first however it never met the other side, the final one was even smaller than the second one. They were located on the right side of the necklace.

Moreover, they were stacked on top of each other only inches apart from ever connecting. After having a closer look at it seemed to be an Eris religious sect necklace. I obviously knew what that necklace was due to Darkness she practicality wore it every day. I let out a sigh before I pocketed the thing and headed towards the church. Opening the door, I scanned the inside of the church. Finding a group of people praying, so I leaned against a wall at the exit watching them. Until one of them reached for her neck grabbing ahold of something only for her to look at the place she grabbed at. What ensued was that she looked around frantically for what I assumed was her necklace. I walked towards her and sat on the bench behind her while I brought out the amulet that I found laying on the street. Tapping her left shoulder, once she looked at what was poking her, she was met with her amulet. She opened her hands, and I dropped it in to them, I then headed for the exit. Once I left the church, I happened upon Chris, who was about to enter the temple.

(Y/n): "Hey, there, Chris! I didn't take you for the religious type going from how you go about stealing from others. It seems I was proven wrong with that speculation."

Chris: "(Y/n)... What are you doing at the sect of Eris?"

(Y/n): "What a person can't check out other religions while he's free. I just had to quench my curiosity. Chris..."

Chris: "What is it, (Y/n)?"

I turned to face the doors that led inside of the church. Should I tell her, she might label me mad for saying such things or... should I say that I've met their Goddess Eris... That's even more blasphemous they'll surely burn me at the stake. I wouldn't like to know how it would feel to regenerate from that I'll also be forced to buy a new set of armour which I won't be able to with how my financial situation is right now... Damn you, Aqua. I breathed out a sigh before turning back to face Chris.

(Y/n): "Actually it's nothing see you around Chris."

I started walking away from Chris as I did, she spoke up.

Chris: "That was nice of you (Y/n)! What you did for the girl, I'm sure she'll be thankful for what you did!"

I stopped for a bit before I continued touring Axel for one last time. Following my tour, I decided to hang out in the guild during that, I started to think back to what Chris said. Could she have been watching me the entire time? If that's so, I guess I'm going to be robbed very soon. I then laid my forehead against the hardwood surface as I slipped into slumber until I stirred awake due to someone uneven breathing. Looking at the person in question, it was none other than Yunyun.

(Y/n): "Hey, Yunyun... What were you doing exactly?"

Yunyun: "Good morning (Y/n)! I just thought that if I waited for you to wake up, then I felt that I could convince you to go on an adventure!"

(Y/n): "So, you basically watched me the entire time I slept is that right?"

Yunyun: "Yeah, that sounds about right!"

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