An Epilogue for Volume two.

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... In the near distance, we can see a glimmer of light in the dead of night. Growing closer to the source of the light, we happened upon a weak flickering flame in a campfire. Littered around the campfire are bedrolls, five to be exact, all of which were occupied. Four were in a deep sleep, while one of the people tucked away in the bedroll, excluding his head. He clearly could not feel the need to go to sleep, staring into the flickering flame, waiting it out. Finally, after a certain period, the flame died down, enveloping the entire place in pitch darkness.

Change of Pov


You might be wonder what happened after I had encountered that gargantuan thing. Do not fret; everything will be explained in due time. That thing that flapped its wings towards me seems to have not noticed me because it simply flew over me as the pressure from its wings forced my eyes shut, passing overhead the gust of wind-generated further fanned the engulfed buildings. Upon opening my eyes, I just caught a glimpse of its tail before it disappeared into the clouds. Are we encroaching on his hunting grounds...? Still, the rest of our travelling party would have awoken after that roar. I have to return to them and inform them of what I had witnessed. Traversing around the scorched bodies until I reached the town hall, I was greeted with the sight of my group looking around the place outside of the town hall. 

Letting them take in their surroundings, we started to clean up the town and hauling the dead bodies into graves; some of the people we assumed to have been burned alive have fully melted under the heat, leaving their melded together armour behind, and some only behind charcoal-like bones. Others were fused with their armour. Once we cleared up the area and leaving one of the corpses that looked to be in the best shape out of all the ones we went over. Aqua used resurrection to bring back the person that laid motionless in front of us, but to no avail; this could only mean that we were too late to cast the spell. But you have to really cut us some slack. It really is not our fault that they died in the first place, considering how they were trying to kill us a few hours ago. Anyhow wrapping up what we needed to do, I decided to call Kazuma over into the town hall.

Kazuma: "What is more important than repairing the buildings that were on flames just a few moments ago?"

I took in a deep breath as I exhaled. I sat atop one of the pieces of furniture used to block up the door to the town hall.

(Y/n): "Kazuma, I bore witness to the thing that caused all this."

Kazuma: "Then good thing it was on our side, right? ... Is it on our side?"

(Y/n): "I don't know. Moreover, the thing that did this was not something that we can approach. Neither do I know if it is sentient or it just reacts to its animal instincts. It was a dragon that hit the town, leaving Frontier in that nightmarish state. We have to think of something that can easily ward off a dragon."

Kazuma: "The only thing that everyone can use is siege weaponry. Even though we could just create something like the mobile fortress to ward it off."

(Y/n): "Do we really want another destroyer to roam around this place. One caused too much havoc all by itself, so our safest bet is siege weaponry; something like the ballista will go a long way."

Kazuma: "As would catapults, but the thing is, we don't have the supplies to produce all of these things and neither do we have the manpower. Don't think about enlisting adventurers to do the job we've already suggested this dangerous job, and look at how many are still alive after we had succeeded; we lost fifty per cent of the people that left with us."

(Y/n): "I know that... We could pass along the knowledge of such mechanisms to the Kingdom; in turn, they will owe us a favour. We could demand from them to put the newly sprouted nation under their protection and send the first batch of weaponry their way."

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