Another Chance (Volume Two).

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A week after the encounter with Vanir, I went on multiple quests with a range of individuals. Out of all the people I went with, Chris was not among them. She seems to be avoiding me. I was in a situation that felt far too familiar. I really have to think of something to make it up to her; still, what the hell was going through my mind at that moment? ... Nothing major happened with Aqua, except for the fact that she said that she knew for a while about me being reincarnated. But, not my abilities; she really did not suspect that I would choose something such as immortality. That was not the only thing the quests that we used to take as a party now have doubled with the new revelation I have revealed; both Kazuma and Aqua utilised me to my full extent to the point of exhaustion. Plus, Aqua was more at ease with us undertaking quests, just the two of us... I will leave that up to your imagination. This is why we are currently sitting on the same table we usually are seen at, with me laying my head against the cold hardwood surface, resting for the time being. Why is that you ask? Well, we have been taking too many quests for a regular party, saying that we should leave some for the rest of them. Since this is a beginner town. Still, that does not explain why there is a quest with lesser demons as the subjection targets. Moreover, we were not here because we just needed a rest and the fact that we angered the rest of the parties. Prosecutor Sena requested that we should come to the guild to address the matter of our reward for a job well done, the assignment being eliminating another Demon King general, Vanir.

Sena: "Satou Kazuma! In recognition of your contributions in ensuring the safety of Axel, we offer you, our thanks. We also offer our sincerest apologies for the false accusations."

I raised my head and looked in the direction of Sena. She bowed deeply after delivering that sentence to show us her sincerity.

Sena: "Now to present the prize money to Satou Kazuma. You've not only defeated the Mobile Fortress Destroyer, your party, and you even took down Vanir, a Demon king general. Therefore, upon deducting the amount owed to the landlord, I'm happy to present to you forty million Eris as a reward!"

Wait... 40 million, Eris!? Hey, we can live our lives without worrying about any financial problems for a long while. So, if we split it into five bags equally, we will each have at the very least eight million each. That is still a ridiculously huge amount of money. Looking at Sena she had a gentle expression which was a bit of a surprise. I really thought she was some stuck up... Once Kazuma was given the hefty sack, all the adventurers that were against us taking more quest changed their tune and started showering Kazuma with kind words and asked if he would treat them to a drink. Kazuma left both Megumin and Aqua behind as he, Darkness and I departed from the guild and headed for Wiz. From how Vanir thought and spoke of Wiz, they must have been close to each other; still, I do not regret what I had to do. I protected someone who mattered to me very much, and I will not let anything get in my way. That is why there will never be a repeat of what had happened before. Still, Wiz is a person I interacted with more often than not, and I find her very pleasant to talk to you even if she is a lich and Aqua hates her. I do not know how to exactly break it to her. That is when we arrived at a deserted alleyway that led all the way to Wizs' shop. Darkness looked longingly in the distance before beginning with.

Darkness: "(Y/n), Kazuma, maybe I should be the person to break it to the friend that Vanir had. Although that he had passed away, he and I have wreaked havoc together and shared a body. Moreover, Vanir liked toying with humans; still, I don't think he had an evil nature. I don't know why he had it out for Aqua, and I don't believe we will ever know; I know it is inappropriate for a Crusader that serves under Eris to say this... But I didn't exactly hate him."

(Y/n): "Why does it have to fall onto you? Is it because you're a noble crusader and all... Sorry, but I was the one to deliver the killing blow, so it is only rightfully so that Wiz hears it from the one who killed him."

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