The Slumbering One (Volume Three).

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Azire here people I just wanted to test out a new way of switching Points Of View. So, instead of it stating that the point happened I will only be using a space to separate them. I would love it if you told me if it is more simple or confusing, you! Thanks for reading this and I hope you enjoy the chapter.


Strapping on my blade and covering my face with his helmet. As I walked to the living room, I found Kazuma, Aqua, Darkness and Megumin making a scene. While Chip seems to be looking at every one of them in amazement until he looked at me, and his eyes widened.

(Y/n): "What's the matter?"

Chip: "Amazing..."

(Y/n): "What is amazing?"

Chip: "Nothing!"

Interesting, he seems to be withholding some information. I never took Chip to be the secretive one; I really wanted to pursue the subject even further. However, I did not want to waste any time precious time we can spend on adventuring. So, I looked at the group of idiots that were making a spectacle of themselves. I fully knew there were going to be at it for a while. I headed outside of the Mansion as my apprentice followed after me. As we continued on our way to the Guild, I noticed that everywhere we went, Chip seems to be intently gazing at the people that we passed by; we stopped by the Slumbering Fool. Entering inside, I came to take my earnings for the past months.

(Y/n): "Hey!"

The Barkeeper was doing the usual as he turned to face me. Putting aside the glass, he fiddled with something under the counter; he came up to me with a sack of money. Placing it on the top of the mahogany wood counter, looking around the establishment, it seems he really did upgrade the entire place.

Barkeep: "It seems that you're still alive."

(Y/n): "Of course, I'm still kicking. What did you think would happen. The Demon King can never hope to even beat me."

Barkeep: "Whatever you say, kid."

He then took notice of my apprentice. Chip, who was sat at one of the couches in my establishment.

Barkeep: "Who's the young one? Is he your successor?"

(Y/n): "What?! I'm not going to going to throw in the towel anytime soon! Neither am I thinking of dying anytime soon! Plus..."

I gave him a glimpse before continuing.

(Y/n): "The kid still got a lot to learn before he can call himself my successor. But, if there ever was a day where I will be leaving him behind, I would do it when I know he is ready to move on from the roost."

Barkeep: "Is that so? Then enlighten me on how to address the kid?"

I gave him a smile.

(Y/n): "There is no need for any formalities. Just call him by his name... Chip. You know I would much prefer it if you called me by my name too."

Barkeep: "Sure thing, bos-. Force of habit. Sure thing, (Y/n)."

This is the first time I saw him give me a smile. I turned back to the kid that sat on the couch; he seemed to be intently studying the man that stood behind the counter. I motioned for the kid to follow after me once we left the tavern Chip looked at me; it seems he was asking for my attention. I did not want to keep the kid hanging; turning towards him, I started to wait for him to speak.

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