The Road to The City of Springs and... Fresh Water (Volume Three)?

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Chip was sleeping on my shoulder; the kid did not have any time to sleep; we currently sat in the living room. He seemed to have been at peace while slumbering on my shoulder. I hope that Aquas' insistent barking does not disturb his sleep.

Aqua: "It's already morning! How much longer do you, people need to finish sleeping! Are you ready, if not, hurry up and get a move on?!"

This was something that she kept on saying while Chip and I were in the living room. She might have been doing her best to wake up both Darkness and Megumin. Aqua seems to be in a hurry to reach the city of springs; Kazuma was awake and standing near Aqua.

Kazuma: "See, Aqua, I'm ready to leave! Those two have the gall to even call me a bum when they are ones that spend so much time sleeping."

Aqua: "You're right! Don't worry about them, I will wake them up! Kazuma, go on ahead and secure the best seats for us."

Kazuma: "Leave it to me; before heading there, I will need to make a detour."

Detour...? While paying attention to their conversation, I did not notice that Chip has begun drooling on my armour. Once I realised that I had a disgusted expression plastered all over my face, getting him off my shoulder, I left him lying on the couch. He dozed off peacefully; I headed towards the conversing two who were near the staircase.

(Y/n): "Kazuma, I will be accompanying you, alright? I have a sneaking suspicion where you are going to have a pitstop at. Aqua, please don't forget Chip in the mansion; we don't want a repeat of last time we left him at the mansion all alone."

Aqua: "Don't worry about it!"

(Y/n): "Just so you understand that I'm serious about this. If he isn't with you, Aqua, you could forget all about the shipment of alcoholic beverages I bring you every month."

Aqua: "Wait, that is too harsh!"

(Y/n): "You're a Goddess; taking care of a bit of child isn't as problematic as fighting the Demon Kings' Generals. Is it now?"

Aqua gave me a sad sigh; I gave her a little hug to motivate her. But, I believe the aforementioned give her more motivation than whatever I will be able to do. Then, Kazuma and I left the mansion as I noticed that he left behind his luggage at the estate. So, the trip from Axel to Alcanretia would last one day and a half of another day if we did not encounter any trouble on the road towards it. When we arrived at Wiz's shop, we saw that it was open, and there were a couple of customers that littered the place.

Vanir II: "Welcome! Oh, it is just you; what are you doing here so early in the morning. If you are looking for Wiz, then bother not; she has been burned by my punishment beams."

As we looked in behind him, we saw that Wiz seems to have been burnt to a crisp.

(Y/n): "Vanir, why did you do that? Isn't Wiz your employer?"

Vanir II: "You must be jesting. If I gave Wiz free reign, she'd collect every junk item she sees keeping us in the red forever even if I worked for a thousand years. She'll run us dry; if she brings incredible goods, then I won't be as harsh with her."

I was concerned with Wiz safety rather than Kazuma making a pretty penny. So, hopping over the counter, I walked to Wiz.

(Y/n): "Wiz, are you good?"

Wiz was not responsive to my questioning; letting out a sigh of annoyance, I looked back at the pair of business partners.

Kazuma: "I-, I'm not excited about the mixed baths!? It's just I've injured myself, and I want to go there for treatment!... Vanir, what are you packaging, and why did you have to burn Wiz?"

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