The Narcissistic Hero (Volume One).

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As the sun shone through the window and fell right unto my eye's, I rubbed away my sleepiness as I looked at the direction the light emanated from as I happen upon the sunrise a beautiful sight to behold indeed no matter how many times you see it. I got up and dressed in my clothes as I departed from the inn as I made my way to the guild I happened on Abdulaziz going the same way I called out to him I could see him shiver before turning around to look at me he responded by waving back at me. I closed the distance between us so that we could walk side by side. As we walked to the guild, I spoke up.

(Y/n): "What did you do after giving me the directions to the bathhouse?"

Abdulaziz: "Nothing much, I just kept on walking around town looking at what the shops had."

We kept chatting away while walking to the guild as we passed by a colourful group of individuals.

Aqua: "A quest! Even a hard one is okay so let's take a quest!"

Kazuma: "Eeh? What's that all of a sudden? There's still nothing but high difficulty quests because of the demon king's army though. Besides we're not having any trouble's with money, you see..."

Aqua: "Wh- What are you saying hikineet! It's because only high difficulty quests remain, that no party can clear them. Therefore, by taking the initiative accepting a quest, and exterminating a strong monster. I'll repay my debt with the huge reward money... I mean, we'll save those people who are in trouble."

They all stared at her coldly, well, what she said was pretty despicable, to say the least. I felt Abdulaziz nudge me forward.

Abdulaziz: "Go on, ask if you could join them for this little adventure of theirs, don't worry, I'll be waiting for your momentous return after your adventure without me it will be a valuable experience. Since you would be working with different people and you know the more people you know in this line of work. The more advantages you get, also maybe you'll happen upon a noble who is posing as an adventurer that would be a plus if you ask me."

That's when he pushed me towards them.

Perspective change to Kazuma

She got herself indebted after I even shouldered her debt only for her to end up in debt yet again. I was about to scold her until an unfamiliar voice spoke up.

???: "Sorry, but I heard that your party will be doing one of the hard quests would you mind if I tag along for the ride."

I looked at the person in question. Looking at his armour, he seems to be well equipped.

Kazuma: "I have no qualms with having extra helping hands. I fear for what will happen to you when you understand how useless my companions are. We have an archpriest that only knows party tricks and an archmage. That collapses after casting one spell and a crusader that is a masochist that cannot hit anything if her life depended on it. Will you be able to handle that much responsibility alongside me?"

He was stunned for a bit until he smiled...? Why did this person is he pitying us... He is, isn't he...?

???: "Then don't worry about that I'm as useless as they come."

Perspective change to (Y/n)

After saying that I felt embarrassed, who would say that? It seems he doesn't want me to help them on this quest by the way he looked at me.

(Y/n): *sigh* "Of course you don't want someone as useless as me accompanying you along for that ride it is understandable. You might have heard of me since I registered at the guild a while back and my stats are laughable, to say the least. My two highest stats are agility and dexterity, while both my strength and magic power are average. As for my luck, it is below average, and my worst stat by far is health I could most likely be defeated in one hit."

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