God Almighty That's One Big Spider (Volume One).

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Author Note: "Okay, everybody I need to ask you something regarding the story. As you know sometimes I write without any quotations... Meaning those are the thought that said character is having at the moment is it hard for you to understand it or is everything good? If it is bugging you please do tell. Thank you and I hope you enjoy this chapter."


This might be the first time in an entire month I didn't get any strange dreams. On top of that, I didn't hear from him for a while, which's terrific going by how he sticks his nose into every single thing I do. I never did ask for his name. Oh, it doesn't matter either way this is my time, I don't have anything to do today, meaning it's time for me to stretch out and relax for a moment. Nothing could go wrong as I relax, nothing at all... screw it come on just say it.

Luna: "Destroyer, alert! Destroyer, alert! All present citizens in the town of Axel, are to evacuate at once! Every available adventurer equip yourselves and report to the adventurer's guild at once!"

Well, I saw it coming a mile away.

???: 'You sure did.'

(Y/n): 'You always appear at the worst of times, don't you?'

???: 'Well, we have quite a knack at arriving at inconvenient times. This would the third time, as for the second it would have to be that one time you and Kazuma were in a bath. We really were wondering when that thing would appear for it to appear at Axel is seriously some bad luck.'

(Y/n): 'Care to explain what it exactly is it?'

???: 'The explanation you want is awaiting you at the mansion, hurry up before you miss it.'

Determined to reach the bottom of this, I bolted towards the mansion, as I had neared it. I bumped into Kazuma who was heading in the same direction I was headed towards.

(Y/n): "Do know anything about that destroyer thing?"

Kazuma: "I'm as clueless as you."

Damn even Kazuma doesn't know a thing about it. If we're going to guess what it is, I'd have to remember the last time this happened. The one other time I heard an announcement was when that Beldia was at the entrance to Axel. However, last time they didn't ask the civilians to evacuate... Luna was distressed both times. This Destroyer must be even more dangerous than a renowned Demon King general. Once we arrived at the mansion, we happened on the sight of Aqua panicking running around the house looking for anything she could pack into her cart. The other person we happened on was Megumin who already had packed her things into a bag, that has been placed to her side, she was sat sipping down some tea with a resigned expression.

Aqua: "Panicking is of no use now. Since everything that we worked so hard for including this mansion will be levelled. It's the same as charging into the Demon Kings' castle not prepared for what awaits us inside."

Turning my attention to Kazuma, he seemed to be at a loss for words. He needs a moment to snap himself out of it I'll take the lead from here on.

(Y/n): "Aqua snap out of it! Megumin leave your drink! You heard the emergency notice issued by the guild, get on with it and gear up we're needed elsewhere."

After that little display, I managed to help Kazuma to snap out of his trance. As it alerted the other two about our presence. Aqua was stumped by what I had said.

Aqua: "(Y/n), how dumb could you be? Are you telling us that you seriously think that we could ever hold a candle against the mobile fortress destroyer?"

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