High Water and the Devils Daughter's

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Nico's POV

Hope and I were in the attic I was playing with some figurines while she was sitting next to me reading a book of old rhymes. When our dad walked in.

"A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds. And when the weeds begin to crawl it's like a bird upon the wall." She started. "  And when the bird away does fly, it's like an eagle in the sky. And when the sky begins to roar it's like a lion at the door. And when the door begins to crack, it's like a stick across your back. And when your back begins to smart, it's like a knife inside your heart. And when your heart begins to bleed your dead and dead and dead indeed." She finished.

" Not exactly the most uplifting reading material," Dad said. Hope turned around startled not realizing he had come in.

"It's an old book of rhymes." She said.

"There's a lot of interesting things in here," I said.

" You know Hope, Nico I'd rather you two didn't play here actually." I tilted my head in his direction. " All the splinters and the dust and the bat's" I laughed.

" There are no bat's," Hope said.

"I've seen no evidence that your Uncle Elijah doesn't sleep here, hanging upside down." I laughed harder.

" Dad was there a little boy who used to live here," I asked as soon as I finished laughing.

He held his hands out towards us. " Come along, sweethearts."  I grabbed a figurine I was playing with and shoved it into my pocket when he was,' looking before grabbing his hand and pulled me and Hope up. " Let's discuss ancient history another time."


Hope and were walking in the garden we both knew Marcel was here. Hope wanted to see him. I came to make sure nothing happened to her. She opened the gate and walked in with me not far behind her.

" Hi," She said. She held out her hand to me and I gave her the figurine. " We think this is yours." She tossed it to him and he caught it.

" Hope and Nico." He looked at the figure. " I haven't seen this in a century."

" So your the little boy who used to live in our house," I asked,

" Once upon a time, I lived here with your dad."

" He keeps you down here because he thinks you want to kills him," Hope said.

 " Do you?" I asked.

" Listen I will tell you both anything you two want to know. Okay? If you get me some blood from your dad's stash." I glared at him.

" We're seven not stupid," I said. " Do you take us for fools Marcellus?" 

"Who told you that name." He asked me.

"I hear stories from my family. I am to protect Hope she is my little sister. I told my parent I want to know the truth so I can always know what to look for to ensure that nothing ever splits us apart again." I said.

" Okay, I'll tell you what, let's start fresh alright?" I raised an eyebrow but nodded my head slightly. " It's very good to see you both Hope and Nico Mikaelson. My name is Marcel." I rolled my eyes. " You know, I'm surprised your parents haven't stormed down here looking for you two." We both shrugged. 

" My Mom and dad trust us. They also know that Nico will make sure nothing will ever happen to me." Hope said.

" Yeah, but your dad's never trusted anyone in his life"

" If he took care of you when you were little then why do you hate him," I asked.

" Your dad raised me. He made me who I am. Now you both ask me if I hate him. Well, it's hard to hate the person who made you what you are. You just end up hating yourself." We both nodded. " The truth is I would like to hate your dad. I really would. It would make things a lot easier. But, you can't hate someone you loved for so long."

It was silent for a moment before I heard a commotion upstairs.

"Somethings wrong," I said."We have to go." I stood up and pulled Hope up as well.

"No, Wait. It's not safe." Marcel said. " I need you both to let me out of the circle."

I looked at him then down at Hope. "Stay here Hope, Ok. I need to keep you safe." I reached down and took off both hers and my bracelet. " We are strong enough to stop the bad guys but I am not going to take the chance of you getting hurt. Stay here I will go if anyone come's let Marcel out if I can't keep them from you he can." I look over at Marcel. "He is family. And family is what?"

" Always and Forever." She replied.

I gave her a kiss on the forehead and turned to Marcel. "Take care of her," I said to him. I turned and left taking a secret passage out of the tunnels I walked into the courtyard and saw a man charging towards my dad with a stake filled with thorns. I raised my arms and through a  stake towards his heart, he started to bleed my dad got up and took his head off for good measure. He saw me and ran to me picking me up.

" Nico.  Where's Hope," he asked me.

" I left her somewhere I knew she would be safe," I replied. I told him where she was and he vamp sped us to the tunnels. We saw two more bodies there but no Hope or Marcel. I looked up at him as we both came to the same conclusion. We sped off towards town and found him on the main street with Hope sitting next to him.

"Marcel!" We both yelled out. They both turn around and see us standing behind them.

" Dad, Nico." She ran to us but stopped when she saw Dad's bloody hands. 

"What happened." She looks at him.

He looks down and sees his hands and makes up a quick lie to protect her. "It's paint. I made quite a mess, didn't I?" He smiles at her.

"Where's Mom?"

"She's at home, waiting for you. Are you okay?" I asked dad get on his knee to look her over as I do the same making sure there is not a single scratch on her.

"You both took your bracelet off." He says.

" Dad, don't be mad. I let Marcel out and he kept me safe."

" I'm not angry, sweetheart, come here." He pulls her into a hug. " I know that you ad your sister both took them off she needed to protect you and left you with Marcel while she tried to help with the situation."

" Don't be angry with Marcel he's our friend," I said.


We all got back to the compound and we saw our mom waiting for us. She took us inside and gave us a bath before putting us in our pajamas so we could go to sleep. Hope told us about what happened after I left her with Marcel. She didn't quite believe Dad about the whole paint thing. After she was asleep Mom came and sat on my side of the bed and looked at me.

" I'm proud of you. You did everything to protect your sister." She gave me a hug.

" I couldn't let anything happen to her but I also had to make sure you all were ok. I don't want anything to happen to our family. You are just as important to me as Hope Mommy."

" I know Nico and you were very brave today my little warrior. You are a true Mikaelson. Family is everything to you and you will do anything to protect it just like your father." She said. She pulled back and looked at me in my eyes. I saw a look of concern flash over her face. "Nico what did you do."

"Do what Mommy," I asked confused.

"Did you kill someone today?" 

"I stabbed the bad man he was going to hurt dad. Why?" I asked.

" Your eyes. You activated your Werewolf curse." She said with my face in her hands looking me in my eyes.

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