Between the Devil and the deep blue sea

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Nico's POV

Hope and I were lying in our room after a long night of trying out locator speed to find mom when we heard a knock on our door. Hope got up to answer it. She opened the door and I saw our Aunt Freya. I ran toward the door.

"What Happened?" I asked fearing the worst.

"Uh, oh, no, nothing. You father has search parties scouring over every inch of the city. We'll find her." She said causing Hope and I to let out a sign of relief.

"Sorry when we saw you we assumed the worst." Hope said from beside me.

"So wait if she's still missing, then why are you here?" I asked.

"Care package." She said holding out a bag towards us. "Thought you could use a taste of home." I grabbed the bag from her and walked in to the room cleaning up as Hope stayed in the door way talking to her.

"So you drove all this way to bring us beignets?" I heard Hope ask.

"You know, I figured with everything going on, you could use a friend." Aunt Freya explained.

"Thanks, but we're fine." Hope said.

"Mm-hmm. You know I could be wrong, but, um, I think this is the part where you invite me in." Hope nodded and turned around coming into the room letting Aunt Freya come in closing the door behind her. "Locator spells in 12 ancient languages?" She asked. "Thought you weren't allowed to do magic outside of the classroom."

"Catch up reading." Hope said laughing nervously.

"Yeah we're trying to make up for being suspended. Keeping our grades." I said.

"We got to get back to work aunt Freya." Hope said.

"Sure" she said as she sat down on my bed. " I mean I could just leave after an excruciating 11 hour long drive to see my only nieces or we could get comfy, stuff our faces with deep fried glory, and you could tell me about that cute boy you were hiding in your room last week." She said smirking at Hope.

I rolled my eye at the mention of Roman being in our room. "Well I'm out I will be literally anywhere else but here so have fun." I gave my Aunt a kiss on the cheek and Hope a side Hug before leaving the room. I made my way up to the twins room and saw if Lizzie was there.

I knocked on her door and it was opened up a few seconds later and I was pulled into the room.

"Hi" I said looking down at her with a smile.

"Hi, not that I don't enjoy you being here but won't Hope notice you being gone for a while on a weekend." Lizzie said.

"Well" I wrapped my arms around her pulling her into me." My aunt decided to drop by for a visit and I wanted to come see you without worrying about leaving her alone. So what do you say to a movie with me right now." I say gently swaying us back and forth.

"Only in we can cuddle." Lizzie responds.

"Deal" I say as I walk us towards the bed and pull her so she lands on top of me.


After the movie I decided to go and check on Hope I asked around and people say they saw her walking towards the mill. I walked to the building just in time for Aunt Freya to tell Hope that they needed me as well.


"So we're like cursed? Predicted to be the downfall of what our family? New Orleans? The world" Hope asked Aunt Freya.

After she had finished explaining to the both of us what Vincent helped predict.

"I have no idea. But you both deserve to know what's going on." Aunt Freya said. "And we all need to prepare for the possibility that... things might not work out the way we want them to." She said.

"You mean for our mom to die?" I questioned from where I was standing.

"For what happens inside of you when tragedy strikes. For when you emotions are tested in ways you couldn't even imagine." She explained.

"How can anyone prepare for that?" Hope said getting worked up again.

"You both aren't just anyone, Hope, Nikolai. You are both first born Mikaelson Witches with... terrifying amounts of power even more increased when you are together. Imagine how much more power you with all the darkness your family is keeping you away from."

"So what were just so sensitive everyone's afraid we're just gonna flip out?" I said.

"Well when people like us flip out entire villages burn. But they predicted that if Hope had to suffer with all this emotion Niko will go on a rampage murdering all those she can get her hands on who cause such grief." She paused and took a deep breath after seeing the look on Hope's face. "Look I know what it's like to have your family thrust you into a situation where the world is on your shoulder and... your not at all sure you have the strength to carry it."

"And how's that working for you" Hope asked.

"Not well. It's why I'm not with the woman I love." I looked down immediately thinking about Lizzie and how I wish I could be with her.  I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I saw hope rush past me. I ran closer only to be stopped by flames rising up. I saw my Aunt Freya in front of Hope who was the cause of the flames.

"Hope." I yelled out distracting her enough so the flames went out.

"Are you ready to talk now?" I heard my Aunt Freya talk as she walk closer to Hope as I edged near as well.

Authors Note- Sorry about the long wait but its spring break hopefully I can get in a good amount of chapters before school starts back up again. Also I really need to know if you want me to keep Hayley dead or alive. I also am so done with legacies at this point like why is it so bad. I honestly have run out of Hope.

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