Voodoo Child

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Mom walked into our room Hope was in her bed drawing and I was laying in mine reading a book. Normally we would do something together but something felt off my wolf felt strange around her.

" Hey, sweetie, drawing something?" She asked Hope.


Mom came around her bed and looked down at the sketchbook seeing it blank." What's that supposed to be? A snowstorm?" She looked at Hope who was still unmoving. She sat behind her and reached over to grab Hopes brush starting to brush her hair. " So now that all our troubles behind us I was wondering if we could talk about what happens next." Mom Said looking at me as well. "I know the both of you want to have a normal life with friends and school and art and sports and... Hey. You okay?"

I look on in concern and see that Hope didn't seem excited. She had been acting strange all morning.

"I'm fine," Hope said. 

"Hope, if your worried about the Hollow, don't be. Everything's okay now, I promise." M mom kissed her fingers and held them out to Hope.

"Can I go back to my drawing?" Hope asked.

" Sure, Yeah. Nico, can I talk to you for a minute?" Mom asked walking towards the door. I stood up and followed her out to the hall. When I was out of the room she shut the door behind us and kneeled in front of me.

"Nico do you know what's wrong with your sister," Mom asked me.

"No, she has been acting strange all morning," I told her.

"Okay, I'm going to go talk to your Aunt Freya about it as soon as I can. Keep an eye on her ok and tell someone if you notice something even more strange." She told me.

" Okay, mommy," I said.

She pulled me into a hug before getting up and walking off. I waited a few seconds before walking back into the room. I saw Hope standing at the foot of the bed. She waved her hand and that was all saw before I blacked out."


Hope dragged Nico's body to her bed and used a spell to lay her down on it as she was too heavy to pick up for Hope.



I woke up to see my Aunt Freya leaning over me.

"Aunt Freya, what's going on?" I asked confused.

"There's no time to explain ok. Hope's in trouble. The Hollow has her." I got up and ran with her downstairs to the courtyard where everyone was running in.

"Where is she?" I heard my mom yell.

"I couldn't save her. Hope's Gone" Vincent said.

" What?" I growled out my eyes shining.

"She's the Hollow now," Vincent explained.

"We have to find her." Uncle Elijah said. "Vincent, surely you can pull the Hollow out of..."

"Elijah, if it were easy enough for me to just pull her out, then I would not be standing here talking to you right now. I don't have a place to put her. The book is destroyed, all right? The book is the only thing powerful enough to house her eternal spirit." Vincent said.

"Well, there must be some other way." Aunt Rebekah asked.

"Vincent?" Aunt Freya looked at him.

" I don't know any other way." He said.

We all looked at each other uncertain of what to do. I saw Mom walk out with Uncle Elijah walking after her.

Moments later dad walked in and looked at our solemn faces.

"A thousand years ago, we three made an eternal vow. To protect each other Always and Forever. Freya, that vow now includes you. As it includes my daughters. Hope is part of my heart and soul. Right now she's out there, alone in the darkness, fighting." He looks at all of us."We can't give up. So I'm begging you--all of you-- If there's and chance..."

" I think I know a way to save her," Vincent spoke up.

We all turned to him.

"Anything." My dad said.

"If we go this route, this is gonna be the end of your family. This is gonna be the end of Always and Forever." He says.

I look at my dad.

Authors note- Another chapter I hope you enjoy and remember the more comments on what you may want to see will help me write so I can update more frequently. BTW who else was disappointed by the first episode of legacies season 3.

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