Some people just want to watch the world burn

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Narrating: "No legacy is as rich as honesty." When Shakespeare wrote that he obviously didn't know what I know about teenage boys. I know there are guys with integrity, I just never met any of them.

Nico's POV

We see the school field getting prepped along with a band of teenage boys vandalizing one of the boarding school cars before running off.

Hope narrating: It should be said that Shakespeare wasn't completely clueless. He had plenty of advice about how to handle betrayal. My personal favorite: Think, therefore, on revenge and cease to weep."

I see Hope go under her bed and grab a page out of the hidden grimoire out Uncle Kol gave us. I looked at the page and grabbed it from her.

"I will do it Hope this isn't something dad would want you to do now hand it over." She reluctantly put the page in my hand. "Now go you have a session with Emma and I am going to see Lizzie and Josie before their game today and tell them we won't be here hopefully they won't be upset."

"Okay I will see you outside then before I go and I will go find Josie too." She left the room and I went to go find the twins.


"Lets hit the dining hall and carb load. It's game day." I heard Lizzie say as she was coming down the stairs.

"Totally I have a good feeling about today." I heard Josie answer to her.

I walked up behind them and put my arms over their shoulders. "Hey girls you guys excited for today." I ask after giving Lizzie a kiss on her cheek.

"Totally even if we don't get to win today there is still gonna be a party after." Before we could continue talking Dr. Saltzman walked up with his travel bag.

"Hey girls, listen" he started.

"Don't do it. Don't say whatever it is your about to say because you have your Dad face, and wherever Dad face goes daughter disappointment always follows." Josie cuts him off.

"I'm sorry; I can't make the game today."

"But, Dad, you're the coach." Josie said.

"And I'm QB1 this year" Lizzie added.

"I hate it as much as you do, but I have to find Landon Kirby." He responds.

"Okay, so, let's cancel. I mean, its a joke anways. We can't use our powers, so we suck. Even though we have team members who are naturally athletic you won't let us win." Josie tells him.

"Exaclty which is normal for a school with troubled rich kids. This annual event lets the locals see you for what they think you are. And keeps them from asking too many questions." I roll my eyes at his response.

"But they mock us." Lizzie says sadly making me pull her closer to me.

"Because they're insecure, small-town kids with small minds. So just let it be. Look, girl, with Landon running around, knowing all our secrets, we have to protect our profile now more than ever. Can I count on you guys to do that?" Both the girls nod. "All right. I love you both. We'll be back as soon as we can." He nods to me.

"Who's we" Lizzie asks as she glared at me.

"The twins and I." He looks at the face I make and a look of realization crosses it. "You didn't tell them."

"I was going to but you interrupted." I said trying to defend myself.

"Well I will see you at the car." He turned and left.

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