When the saints go marching in

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Nico's POV

Me and Hope got redressed in the mill and walk out after hearing yelling. We walk out and see Dad and Elijah.

"Dad!" Hope asks. "What's going on here?"

"Nico get her out of here."

"Your death is not the answer." Elijah tells him.

"Death? What are you talking about?" A look of realization flashes across her face "they put it into you. But you told me that they put it into something safe, and instead you use my first transition to trick me. So what happens, you just kill yourself and the magic goes away? And you both are gonna let him go through with this?"

"I don't need his permission to save your life!"

"Come back to New Orleans, Niklaus. We'll find another way."

"We both know that's not gonna happen. I'm sorry Hope and Nico. I've made my decision." He puts the stake up to his heart.

"And I've made mine." Hope raised her hand and puts him to sleep.


I've spent all day in my room looking at all the memories of my dad through the years. All the madness he has caused but the loyalty he has had to his family the Mikaelson family will now grow smaller.  But our bond will grow stronger.


I sat down with my family as we all shared a round of drinks as they all tell stories of my father through the years.

"His drunken collection was always my favorite." I turn and see my Uncle Kol. "I should have known this was redundant."

"Brother." Elijah says taking the bottle from him. "Bourbons never redundant."

"The prodigal brother returns." Aunt bex says hugging him.

"Yes, well, as much as I hate to admit it, you were right. We should honor our brothers sacrifice. And if Niks time is up, then, I guess I didn't want to miss my chance to bitch and moan. Because he is a tremendous ass."

"That he is." We all see my dad walk in with Hope. "But he oh so secretly adores his youngest brother." He hugs him. "Well don't stop on my account. If this is to be my funeral then. Let's get on with it."

We have dinner together as one big weird dysfunctional family having laughs about everything.

Marcel sits by me and Hope. " I will never abandon you. And even though I can't always be around, if you so much as breath my name..."

"Thanks you."

"All right" Aunt Bex stands up. "It's time for an old fashioned wish burning ceremony."

We all walk to the courtyard and throw our wishes into the fire. I stand next to my mom and Dad with Hope on Dads other side.

"You know, as much as I've savored the joy of tormenting you through the years, I must confess you all mean everything to me. Your loyalty and your counsel and your love... is probably the only reason why I've survived as long as I have. Which is how I know...long after I'm gone...you will all come together, time and time again, to take care of each other. And that is why I'm not afraid... for your future." He turns to look at me then Hope.

"We're bound forever to those with whom we share blood. And while we may not choose our family...that bond is our greatest strength." Uncle Elijah says.

"Thought I may be leaving you tonight... this is not the end of the Mikaelsons. Always and Forever."

"Always and Forever." We all repeat.

" I need a moment." Dad walks away with Hope.

A few moments later he comes back and asks to speak with me. He leads me upstairs to the balcony.

"I know the last few days have all been about your sister but I haven't told you how proud I am of you Nico. For the last 8 years I have burdened you with the task of taking care of you sister leaving you with no room what do ever to do as you would please. But now there is something I must ask of you again and that is to live your life to the fullest I saw the way you looked with that Saltzman Girl and you should hold on tight to her cause I know she's the one for you Nico. There are a few other things such as this." He hands me his daylight ring. "I know it is of no use to you but I though you might want to have it. You are my legacy along with Hope but is to you who I trust the family to from this day forward you Nikolai Mikaelson will be the head the of the Mikaelson family. Thank you for all that you have done for me. I love you." He pull me into a hug and I hold onto him knowing this will be the last moment I have with him.

" I love you too dad. I will make you proud."

Authors Note: and that is the End of the Originals I'll see you soon for Legacies. Let me know how it was also I cried writing this.

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