Voodoo in my Blood

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Nico's POV 

Hope and I were walking around the table the bone was on. There was a containment spell on it that Aunt Freya did. We heard footsteps behind us.

"Hope, Nico what's going on." We hear our mom say from behind us.

"Mommy, can you hear them too?" I asked. She pulled Hope and me away from the table just as dad was walking in.

"What's going on," Dad asked.

"Look at me." Hope and I turned around to look at her. "Tell me what you guys are hearing."

"Voices," Hope said. "They said that we're connected to this. Me, you, and Nico." Mom looked at dad from over our shoulders.

"If this fossil here has been whispering lies, I'll gladly throw it in the river." I shook my head.

"Not the bone." I started. " The witches. The ancestors. They have a message for us. A warning."

"Tell me what they said." Mom said.

" They want you to go to St. Anne's church to talk to them," I said.

" They said you have to do exactly what they say, and you have to do it now," Hope said.

" Before the Hollow come for us." We both said.


Hope and I were watching a movie in our room when I got a bad feeling I started hearing Dad's voice he sounded like he was hurt. I looked at Hope and we took off our bracelets. We walked out to the Abaittor and saw no one. I grab Hope and ut her on my back and ran as fast as I could to the church. We saw Dad in a circle there was a pretty woman next to him she was hurting him.

"NO!" Hope and I shouted. Everyone in the church turned to us.

"You promised to help, but you're not helping," I said.

" You're hurting us, and we won't let you." Hope ended. Hope and I use our magic to break the salt circle that's keeping our dad with that woman. When the circle is broken the woman disappeared. Dad and Marcel both get up. We both run over to our parent Dad picks up Hope and Mom picks me up. I motion for Uncle Elijah to come to hug me and Mom. 

"Mom who was that pretty lady?" I asked.

" That was Davina. You met her when you were a baby. She used to help take care of you and Hope." Uncle Elijah said.


When we got home there was a man there. Dad said his name was Alaric. He said we could call him Ric. Hope and I walked over to the table he was standing by after grabbing some things.

" Our Dad said you study these kinds of things," I said.

"Yeah, that's right.: He smiled at us. " There are a lot of amazing things in this world to study. And some of them are even things that don't want to hurt you." He looked at the things in our hands. " And what do you two have there?"

"These are for serenity," Hope said as she put one of the items down.

" And this one is for stillness," I said. " They keep the flowers in bloom." 

"Now, did you two teach yourselves all that?" We both shook our heads no.

" Well, we did read about it in one of Aunt Freya's books," Hope said. He raised an eyebrow.

" Auntie Freya is helping us learn, but some stuff we learn on our own." I finished.

" Hmm." He nodded. "Well, that is all very impressive." We smiled at him.

" They are impressive young ladies." I looked at mom and smile showing my dimples." You cutie." She pinched my cheek and handed 

"It was good meeting you both, littlest Mikaelsons." Hope and I laughed. "I'll be seeing you two around." He turned and started walking away.

"Are these for us?" We asked mom as she kneeled in front of us.

"After what you two did today your dad compelled the entire Magnolia candy shop." We both sat down.

"Dad seemed sad," I said.

" I think he wanted to be the one doing the helping today. But we both agreed on one thing: you two were very, very brave." We both nodded.

" We just thought about what you would do," Hope said.

" It's like you always say: if we stick together, nothing can hurt us. Always and Forever." I said. We both give mom a big hug before running off to play.


I was out with Mom and Dad in the courtyard it was time for my first transformation. 

"It's ok Nico you can do it you just need to let it become you don't fight it." My Mom Said. 

I nodded and fell to the ground as my bones started to break. I let out tears silently as I didn't want them to hear me cry. I let the pain take me over until it stopped. I looked down and saw black fur but my paws were white. 

" She's beautiful." I saw my dad walk closer to me so I wobbled forward and nudged my snout against his leg. I moved over to Mom and let her do the same. I ran freely around the courtyard running everywhere and dodging everything in my path. 

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