The spirit that won't be broken

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Nico's pov

Hope and I were in our room when dad came in looking for us.

"The Hollow she's getting stronger," Hope said.

 I turn to face my dad as he whispers "You can sense her?"

"When we first got here, there was always music outside, people dancing, laughing. But since she came back, it's so quiet. Like she's draining everything out of the city. She already took Uncle Elijah. And soon she will come for the rest of us." Hope said as turned away from the window and walked closer to our dad.

" Listen, Hope, Nico, I know you might be scared. But over the years a lot of bad people have stood against our family, and all of them have fallen." He said as he kneeled in front of Hope. "The Hollow is no different."

"No, she is different," Hope said.


Hope and I were in our room coloring when our mom walked in.

"Girls I need something from you." She asked.

"What is it Mommy," I asked. 

"I need some of your blood to kill the Hollow." I nodded.

"OK, I'll do it." I said

She nodded and turned around to one of the lit candles and ran a needle through the flames to clean it.

" Nico please I don't want you to do it," Hope begged me.

I looked at her and held her hand. "Hope, are you scared it's gonna hurt me?"  

"No, I'm scared if you do this, mom will pick a fight." She said.

"Hope our family is the most important thing to me in the world and if we have to pick a fight to get rid of those who wish to cause us harm, then we must. I am doing this to protect you and the rest of our family." I said looking at her.

"But the Hollow she can hurt you," Hope said.

" Hope I know your scared and I wish I never had to ask your sister to do this or even have this conversation in the first place. When I was your age I had to deal with a lot of things that I didn't want to deal with either. I didn't want that for either of you, but here we are. The thing is sometimes you have to do things that you don't want to do because your the only one that can do them." Mom says to Hope and I.

"Like you," Hope says.

"Like me," Mom says.

Hope looked at me and nodded. "Okay"

I mover my hand up so my mom could prick my finger. She took the needle and stuck it in deep letting a few drops of blood before pulling it out. My finger healed a moment later.


I was downstairs getting me and Hope a snack when I saw Uncle Kol walk into the abattoir with a giant knotted rope.

"Hello, Uncle Kol," I said Looking at him.

"Hello, Nico." He said to me. " Listen I was wondering if you and Hope could do me a magical favor."

"Why would I do any favors for you, or for any matter let ou talk my sister into helping you," I asked.

"You see I thought about it and realized you might not be so on board with helping." He said walking towards me. I flash my eyes at him in warning before he blows a white powder into my face I inhale it and sway just as the world goes black.


I wake up a few minutes later and see no one I quickly get up and race to mine and Hopes room to see if she's ok. I get to my room and see Hope on the floor in a puddle of her blood with her stuffed rabbit next to her caked in her blood as well. I rush towards her and look for a pulse. 

I put my head to her chest and hear nothing.

" NO HOPE WAKE UP PLEASE" I bite my wrist and hold up to her mouth. 

Why isn't she coming back we can't die? I start sobbing holding her close to me.

"This is all your fault." I look behind me and see Hope's ghost.

"Hope?" I ask.

" I told you I didn't want to give mom our blood. I knew this would happen and look at me. I'm dead. I'm not coming back like I'm supposed to. Where do you think everyone else is?" She asks me.

" No your lying. I swore to protect you. I would have gone before you. My last breath would have been spent saving you." I told her.

"Well guess what Nicolai Henrik Mikaelson you are the last Mikaelson standing. The only one who will mourn us. Let's hope you find the bodies of the rest of our family." She says as she disappears.

"HOPE! HOPE!" I yell out. 


I wake up and see I'm on the floor of the kitchen. I get up and go to the center of the compound and saw my dad.

"Dad," I said and I ran up to him and launched myself into his arms.

"Nico what happened." He asked holding on to me.

" It was horrible I saw Hope and she was gone. Everyone was gone except me and I was all alone and it was completely m fault." I sobbed out.

" Oh, my sweet child. Everything is fine we no longer will live in fear of that wretched woman."He told me.



Later that night as Hope and Nico were laying to sleep Nico drifted of holding her plush dragon close to her and Hope who was lying beside her looked out the window as her eyes show with the Hollow's spirit.

Authors Note: Legacies Season 3 is coming out and I will try and update more often. If you need good Hosie material I have a book so you can check it out. Leave me comments for things you might like to see. The more comments I get will allow me to update more often as it is feedback for me as a writer.

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