The tale of two Wolfs

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Nico's POV

My Dad and I are back in Mystic Falls to talk to Caroline to gets some help for Hope. We left her with Elijah as a distraction while we get things ready.

We find her giving a tour too some potential new students.

"Where do you keep the hybrids?" My dad asks interrupting her tour. "In the root cellar?"

I look past her and see Lizzie sitting at a table with Josie and I wave at her.

"Excuse me I just need one minute with this very lost new janitor." She walks towards us and leads us away from the group. "Come on Bob. I'll show you the toilets."

She leads us to the office and closes the doors behind us after we've sat down. "Seriously your not exactly a selling point for this place."

"Oh because these kids have so many other options." My dad says smugly.

"I thought we made a deal about you showing up in Mystic falls."

"That was a long time ago."

"We need your help Ms.Forbes. Mg sister is dying. She took back the dark magic that has been plaguing our family for the last few years and now it's destroying her." I said from my place on the chair.

"She won't survive tonights full moon." My dad says.

"She triggered her curse?" Caroline says in shock.

"It was my fault." My dad say guilt laced in his voice.

"Uh, I thought that the crescent wolfs could control their transformations."

"We can just not the first one. No that one will always be a memory filled with pain and agony for any wolf." I said remembering my first turn.

"We what do you need from me."

"We need a very rare type of witch... from the Gemini coven."

"You can't be serious. Especially you Nico."

"Trust me I just as much as you want to keep Lizzie away front the mess the follows my family but it's necessary for Hope's chances of survival." I said.

"Nico go spent time with your sister while I try and reason with Caroline." I nodded and left to find my sister.


After finding my sister with Elijah we desired to head to the grill to get Hopes mind off of things.

"If your here to tell me that our dad has a heart of gold, this is probably the worst spot, considering that theirs a plaque inside near the dart board for some woman that he killed in a moonstone ritual."

"Take a look at the storefront across the street with the charcoal awning. Piece of land used to be our home. Smell of it still haunts me to this day. The burning wood, the crushed flowers, the berries." He takes a deep breath. "Your father was incessantly painting back in those days. Mixing searching for brighter reds, for deeper blues. Used to wake me in the middle of the night just to show me a color that he would swear he himself had invented. I remember the first time he showed me a turquoise." We smiled. "It's also the first time I smelled blood. You see when Mikael found Niklaus fashioning a paintbrush from a small branch he took that branch... he struck my brother across the face."

"What did you do." Hope asked.

"Niklaus begged me to run away with him, but I told home I would never leave Rebekah and Kol at the mercy of Mikael. So we stayed. And of course it was a mistake. We should have run away together but... your father couldn't go it alone. But I did swear to him that I would protect him from that very day." Before he could go on the server brought us our order.

Let me be the one for you- Lizzie SaltzmanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ