39 - Runways (EP. 04)

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Chocolate brown curls that dripped onto his forehead accompanied by a toothy smile that can kill, the M.C made his way behind the podium with the crisp card witholding the name of the two medalists—as well as Aiden’s sanity. Unfolding it neatly, he finally brought the mic near his lips.

“The show has been mesmerizing for each and every one of us in attendance, because as we watch our models step into the limelight, way past the things our eyes really see, we are not only exhibiting ‘clothes.’ They are not just apparels worn to brag what used to be a ten thousand dollar from a bank account, and they are most definitely not just some scarf that costs four hundred and eighty dollars, right, Gucci?”

A brief round of laughter erupted amid the crowds, and Johnson knew that he was doing a gratifying job speaking after hours of stammering and practicing in front of a shiny mirror offstage all the while he makes sure his tie was in its precise angle. Who would have thought that somebody as timid as shy ol’John would find himself amusing people who are the epitome of conviction?

Liam pursed his lips and mused, “The speeches keep getting better every year.”

The designer gave a low hum of approval even though he doesn’t know how to agree since this was his first experience being part of an honorable display. Aiden would have to admit, the speech could only do a couple of things to him: one, it helped calm him down a bit—well, sort of, as it prevented leading events to the main agenda overwhelmingly. And two, it worsened his qualms about what was in store.

“... Because generally speaking, there is a drastic difference between impressing and expressing,” and finally Aiden agreed.

“You are quite a dubious one aren’t you?” Liam pointedly spoke, laying a hand on the designer’s shoulder, and the younger man stiffened and chuckled nervously over the senior’s comment. “Apologies. I’m not used to all this stuff, I’m still kind of new.”

“But from the looks of your talent, I’m sure it would not screw you up,” Liam reassured, “Elsa didn’t put you on a high rank just because she wants to. I know and trust that woman’s judgement. This career of yours is composed of high standards and she selected you owing to the fact that you exceeded those.”

Liam folded his arms and eyed him sharply, “You do have faith in yourself, don’t you, Laurant?”

Aiden gulped and nodded his head with great vigor, shifting uncomfortably in his seat whilst he toyed with the cuffs of his formal shirt, “I do, and that improved just until recently,” he replied truthfully.

“Now that I think about it, it sounds weird,” Aiden laughed, “I can just imagine how strange of a headline it could be. Secretary, turned into a designer in a quick matter of time.” “But it isn’t irrelevant since it only states what really happened. And I can even dare say you’ll be a great asset for Arendelle Co.”

With the creeping red tint clambering to the designer’s cheeks, Aiden couldn’t deny how much he liked the compliment, coming from his superior. He made it his habit to learn from veterans, and getting a praise from one motivated him.

The beginning silence between him and the Creative Director intensified when Aiden steered his gaze towards his girlfriend—who finally removed her ear from her phone from a short distance the moment the designer’s stare lingered on her. He felt an encouraging nudge from the man beside him, and Aiden blushed when he saw Liam wink knowingly.

Without further hesitation, Aiden left his seat and walked over to where the blond was putting her phone back in her purse.

“Oh, Aiden,” Elsa smiled warmly, “I didn’t miss anything yet, did I?”

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