Christmas special AU

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A/N: Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone had a magical day! I thought I would do a little AU Where Y/N and the characters from the books are living together in the same house and having Christmas together! Remember this is just an AU so many of them are going to be acting a little more normal than they actually would, ( none of them are yandere's in this AU) I hope you enjoy the fun little chapter!

My eyes popped open and I jumped slightly as a light knocking at my door awakened me. I was still laying down and I brought my hands up to rub at my eyes, though it was mostly dark in my room anyway.

" Darling it's time to get up!" A soft and excited voice sounded from the other side of the door slightly muffled. I sat up slowly, letting the blankets that were piled up on me fall off.

" I'll be there soon Varem!" I called back and I heard him walk away from the other side. I continued to sit on my bed as I let the sleep exit my system.

Eventually, I got up, grabbing one of my blankets, and wrapping it around me. I opened my door and wandered out into the hallway, ready to start Christmas day with all of my housemates.

I walked into the living room and saw three of my 9 roommates. Yes, there were 10 of us in total. Joshua, Jack, and Varem were all in the living room.

Joshua and Jack were wrestling over a late present they had not wrapped yet and varem was watching them from the couch with an amused smile.

I could smell something good coming from the kitchen and I decided to make my way over there. The sounds of the fighting twins disappearing into the background.

I entered the kitchen and saw Bobazo and Gunner busy at work. Bobazo was mixing something in a bowl and gunner was stirring a bunch of eggs for omelets. Gunner was in his usual formal vest and pants but Bobazo was just in his green robe this morning. His green dreads tied back into a ponytail to keep it out of his face. I yawned as I entered, lifting my hands above my head to stretch.

" Merry Christmas you two," I said to them. Bobazo said the same thing back while gunner just nodded in response. I saw a couple of scones just begging to get eaten on a plate on the counter.

I did not really think about it, I went to grab one but my hand was smacked away by Gunner. He shook his finger at me then gave me a wink before turning back to the pan in front of him.

" Where is everyone else?" I questioned, popping my head out and seeing Jack practically getting strangled by the wrapping paper.

" Those three are there in the front room, Willy is still in his room, I have no idea where Hoolan disappeared to and I think Elliot and Ambrose are outside chopping firewood." Bobazo finished. I nodded silently as I walked over to the window, pulling aside the curtains to take a look outside.

The two biggest men of the house were in their coats outside. Ambrose was by the log, swinging the ax over his head and splitting the logs easily. Elliot was dragging another fallen tree to be sawed into smaller pieces to be chopped.

I giggled as I looked at Ambrose. With his jacket and his large brown beard to accompany his ginormous size, he looked like a lumberjack. He also had some snow in his thick beard. I pulled away from the window deciding to mix up some hot drinks for everyone.

We had all lived together long enough that I knew what everyone liked. I got the teapot out and started one of the burners to get some hot water ready.

I got out all the cups that I would need. The twins, Hoolan, Varem would have hot chocolate. Gunner and Bobazo would be having tea. Willy, Elliot, and Ambrose would be having coffee.

The Snake in the Iceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن