A Trek through the Jungle

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You took in a deep breath, opening your eyes and seeing the early morning beams shining in through the ceiling of the hut. you were laying on your right side, with your left arm reached over to rest your head-on. Y/S/N lay curled in the crook of your elbow.

The orange-yellow light shown brilliantly off of her snow-white scales. You kept your eyes on her for a few minutes, watching her sides rise and fall in her slumber. Her head was tucked into her curled body.

You wanted to reach out and pet her, but you did not want to wake her up. Plus she was laying on your only arm. So you settled for smiling contently as you watched her beautiful scales reflect the morning light. Every now and then she would make cute little sounds, her body twitching when she did.

You stretched out your legs, trying to make your upper body move as little as possible. The scars along your body also reflected the light, shining out like little beacons, reminding you of just how much you wanted to strangle a bitch right now.

However, Addily was not the point of attention right now, your little sweetheart was. You knew she was not a dog or cat. She had no interest in toys, though she would follow a stick when you dragged it across the ground. But she was the best friend you had ever had, Hell she had saved your life by sharing your burden.

Taking on your pain right when she hatched, and in a way that made you feel guilty, even if it was neither of your guys's fault. No, you did not blame Bo either. Besides, she never really acted like she was in pain, she always was curled around you when you were feeling the burn, tucking into your shoulders and resting her head under your chin.

Speaking of the Shaman, He suddenly walked into the hut with Y'avashaak on his shoulders. The beads in the doorway swinging and clinking together behind him.

he looked down at your form with a wide excited smile that you had never seen on him before. Yeah, you had seen him smile of coarse, but he looked like a little kid, almost jumping around.

At the sound of the swinging beads, Y/S/N lifted her head up at Bobazo, her little pink tongue flickering in and out of her mouth in short rapid bursts.

" Come, come!" We're running out of time." He exclaimed before Leaning down and picking you up. You yelped, out of shock rather than pain though. What had gotten into him? Your Snake quickly slithered up your shoulder and made herself comfortable in a scarf like fashion around your neck

" What's going on Bo?" You asked in confusion as he fashioned some type of shawl around your shoulders quickly, with expert fingers.

" I want to show you something." He said vaguely, before finishing the knot with one last tug. He grabbed your hand and lead you out of the hut. What was he wanting to show you? Something that was making him practically drag you out of the hut

You were still a little shaky on your feet, but you had been practicing for weeks now. Everyday Bobazo would take you outside and supervise you. It helped that all your wounds were now just scars, so you did not have to worry about reopening them.

There was a soothing gentle breeze that swayed the plants and helped cool your skin off. The earth was soft under your dusty feet. There were sticks and stones every now and then but they did not hurt too bad when you stepped on them.

He took you across the clearing outside of his hut and into the tree line where the ground was a lot less soft and bumpier. At times you thought your legs would give out from under you, but they held strong.

It was your first time ever being more than the length of the clearing outside of the hut. You had absolutely no idea how long you had been here. You knew that it was months now, but you were not aware of just how much considering you were knocked out at hazy for most of the beginning.

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