Vouyootoyoo's gift

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Your father and uncle Ray ran as fast as they could. Hearing the screams of their daughters, they immediately dropped all of the equipment they were holding and bolted over the white expanse.

Your father cursed as the thick and deep snow did nothing but slow them down. They sped on though, their fatherly instincts had kicked in and they would not stop in the slightest.

They climbed the halfway point hill and almost slammed into Addily. She yelped and almost tumbled back down the hill but your uncle caught her before she could.

She immediately rushed into his arms and sobbed uncontrollably. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and tried asking her what happened, but she only responded with more tears and wailing.

Your father looked around the white hills for you, his heart starting to thud even more dangerous as he saw no sign of you. His eyes flicking around at the brink of panic. He looked back at his brother and niece as Ray failed in another attempt to get the story out of her.

" Addily! Where is Y/N!" Your father almost yelled, starling the young girl. She looked up at him with wide bloodshot eyes. She hiccuped before the words clumsily slipped out of her.

" There-There was *Hic* there was a bear. It chased us and *hic* It almost got me, but Y/N saved me and it got her!" She cried out before burying her face back in her father's jacket.

Your father wasted no more time and continued his frantic race back to where they left you girls. His breaths came out ragged, with slight whimpers. he almost stumped a few times but there was too much adrenalin for it to even slow him down now.

He heard his brother shout for him somewhere from behind, but they were just sounds that were going to slow him down, and nothing in this fucking planet was going to stop him when his daughter was being hurt.

He finally creased the hill and screamed as he saw the blood. Oh God, his daughter's blood absolutely everywhere staining and melting the snow. A few droplets had even landed over on the snakehead carving.

He rushed down and looked around for any sign of you or the bear, but you were nowhere to be found. The only thing that was left was the blood puddle that glistened sinisterly at him and pieces of your shredded jacket.

No paw prints or even blood droplets created a path for him to follow. It was if you had just disappeared. He looked around in a frenzy but he only saw white through the blur of heavy tears.

The smell of Iron hit him in the nose then, and he could not hold back the vomit that ripped out of his throat. He did not even bother to wipe it off of his chin.

" Y/N!!!" He shrieked into the air. His breath billowing into the air like fog from a train. Where were you?! He could not just stand there! So he chose a direction and ran.

- -

Somewhere in a direction, you could not make out, you heard your father shout for you. you wanted to scream for him so he would fin you and help you. However, the only thing you could muster was a pitiful and almost silent whimper.

You could not even lift your head. Every part of your body was hurting with Agony. You were more cuts and blood then skin now, everywhere on your front and back and been absolutly decimated from the teeth and claws.

It was in your mouth and nostrils, choking you. It was in your eyes too, causing red to be about the only thing you could see, from the only eye that was working anyway.

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