The man you fear, who just wants to help you

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A/N: This is pretty much what Y'avashaak looks like, just with different marking and a human eye XD But here is the new chapter! I hope you enjoy it and as always thanks for reading!

" Bobazo please I can't do this yet." You sobbed, hot tears streaming down your face and hitting the dusty ground in small droplets.

" You will never get better if you do not try!" He snarled at you with a fiery glare, making you flinch, which almost made you topple over. You had never heard him snap before, at you nevertheless, it was scary.

He had awoken you early this morning, picking you up and carrying you outside. Leaning you against a tree and setting a splint around your injured leg.

It was there that you were able to notice, that his shack was the only one in the clearing. There was no village here, it was only him. Where did the others live?

He had lifted you up, you cried for him to not let you go, for you would fall. You had grabbed on to the rough bark of the tree and between the weak grip of your one arm, and your unsteady legs you were able to keep yourself from falling to the dirt, and probably reopening some of the deep wounds that had yet to turn to scars.

He was fierce. A loving man who had helped a total stranger in her time of need when she was dying. But she knew absolutely nothing about him, and she was scared of him

You gripped tightly onto the tree that you were using to hold yourself upright. Your legs shook madly beneath you, and you feared that any second the leg that had taken so long to heal at this point would snap again, even if it was in some kind of splint.

You leaned into the tree, resting your soaking cheek against the bark. Glancing up at the intimidating shaman, but you could not hold his gaze. He was looking at you so intensely that you were surprised you did not burst into flames right then and there.

You have no idea how much time has passed since the night of the ritual, where you entered a trance-like state and walked out of the hut and up to the bonfire. where all your wounds had reopened and your left leg bone had splintered under your weight.

All you knew is that you were now in a much better state. You had regained your voice for the most part, and your wounds had closed, the less deep ones forever now as red scars marking your body. The deeper more serious ones still had some time till they were scars too, joining the others that stretched across your body and soul like snakes.

Speaking of Snakes in the soul, Y/S/N curled around your neck, reaching up and touching the top of her snout under your chin. Her eyes were soft and full of love, not scared of the shaman's stare... who also held care for you.

He would not be trying to hard to get you better if he did not care for you. You knew he did, he had a stone expression most of the time, but you did not miss all the tender looks he would give you, the sad ones when you cried as your wounds burned you. The happy ones when you smiled, mispronouncing a word in his language he was teaching you.

You had been in his hut for a long time, he was right, it was time for you to regain your footing. Your cousin took your arm, your sight, your very flesh, and fear had been burned into your soul, but in return, you were given Y/S/N.

She did not need legs to move, yet just her loving touch, that gentle snout under your chin, begging you to have faith in yourself again, for her, pushed your soul as if she did have legs.

You took a deep breath, before sliding your good way a little bit in front of you. Lightly putting your weight on it, you felt it buckle slightly and you immediately retracted it. Fear kicking in and blowing away the push.

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