The Mothers in the Fire

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The night was dark, but the moon was full. It showed big and round, lighting the jungle in a silvery haze. The Jungle was singing with the sounds of insects and the groaning of the Jaguars. And the Village, the village was alive.

Great fires burned on the top step, with a grande bonfire in the center of it all, much like the night you first arrived here. Around it, Villagers danced and cheered. Some moved in a circle around the flames, others played instruments.

There were drums thundering, strings being strung, pipes being played, all working together to make a tune worthy of a jungle party. You sat next to Bobazo under a canopy, watching the party go down while petting Y/S/N in your lap.

Misaha and Russa sat on the other side of Bobazo. Devis was curled around Russa, licking his paws and scratching behind his ears and Els was wrapped around Misaha's bad leg, her head was lifted up as she watched her tribespeople dance around the big flame that lit up the whole village.

Aliskaad was in the midst of all the people, dancing herself in front of the bonfire. Swinging her hips so the beads that were wrapped around her swung and jingled around her.

Her howler Monkey Motuk was jumping from the tribe's people's shoulders. Stealing bits of food before returning to Aliskaad's feet. Bobazo placed a wooden plate that had some steaming fruits and vegetables with what looked to be chicken meat in the center in front of both of you.

You took the hand that was petting Y/S/N and picked off various pieces from the platter, Popping them into your mouth. Bobazo picked out what he liked from the platter as well. Yavashaak was curled around the Shaman's shoulders. Not watching anything, he had his head curled into his curls, he was probably asleep if anything.

You were startled out of your thoughts when a small white monkey with bright blood-red eyes suddenly jumped onto your lap and onto the ground next to you. Jumping up and down excitedly while waving her little arms in the air. Y/S/N perked her head up and looked over at the little fuzzball, her tongue popping in and out in a fast rhythm.

The little monkey ran around in a quick circle, squeaking in delight before standing in next to your legs again, looking up at your Snake. Aliskaad's shy looking apprentice walked over to you, brushing a long strand of dark hair over the bad above her eyes.

" She wants to play." She said in a quiet voice that was almost unheard over the sound of the music and the cheerful people. You loved back down at the animals and Y/S/N looked up at you, almost as if she was asking for permission. You smiled at her and nodded over to the monkey.

" What are you waiting for?" You said to her, and your snake slid off of your lap, following the screeching monkey into the trees surrounding the village. You had no worries about Y/S/N trying to eat their little creature, they were both children of the spirit mothers.

You looked back over to the apprentice, but she had already turned away and was walking elsewhere. You flicked your eyes over to Bobazo with Yavashaak looking over at you, his head slightly perked up.

Bobazo smiled warmly at you and you gave him a small smile back. He reached his large hand up and softly slid his fingers down your scarred cheek. He dropped his hand and turned back over to the fire where both the ZucI and Sureen were dancing and singing as if they were one big tribe.

There was movement next to you and you looked over Bobazo to see Misaha and Russa standing up. Hand in hand, as he lead her over to the dance where the two of them joined in. Twirling together in the firelight. making their figures dark with the blaring fire behind them.

You continued to eat from the platter in front of you, everything but the fruit tasted slightly salty. You grabbed a couple of what looked like raspberry's gently dropping them into your mouth. funny how they tasted slightly like pumpkin and citrus.

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