First day of consciousness

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A/N: Ok I don't know why but for some reason I have just been super into writing this story ever since I started it. Of course that's a good thing though! maybe its because I'm finally writing a book about one of my all-time favorite animals. But I hope y'all enjoy the chapter and as always, thanks for reading!

He does now? What in the world does he mean by that? He says it like he learned the language yesterday! Thoughts in your head ran around fast as he continued to look at you with his human and snake eyes.

" W-Wher-e am I." You shakily whispered as you did not know if you could even talk any louder than that anymore." His eyes narrowed slightly as he noticed your fearful behavior.

" It would be best if you close your eyes and sleep." He said Leaning a bit forward as he did so. Sleep, as nice as it sounded, was quite a bit a ways away from you right now.

The mixture of your predicament and being in this hut with a stranger who somehow just learned English. Not to mention has something going on with his eyes there, making it impossible for you to even close your eyes if you could help it.

You cringed slightly as another small bolt of pain came to your senses. All the wounds on your body felt like they were starting to pulse, and every pulse hurt.

You clenched your eyes shut and grit your teeth as you bore through the pain. How on earth would you ever be able to recover from this? Simply put, you did not think you could.

With all the scars over your body, you're crushed to a pulp leg, your now blind right eye, and your missing right arm, you were now a cripple.

You wanted to see your father. You wanted to go home and just go back to the life you knew you would never have again. You wanted Addily to pay for doing this to you, She had hated you from the moment she saw you even though you had never met before. you had saved her life only for her to push you into the jaws of death itself.

Yet, you survived, but was that necessarily a good thing at this point? Your body started to tremble as the tears started forming at the corner of your eyes.

You were so scared right now, you were hurt, but... you did not feel completely alone, you felt like there was someone here for you, and it felt like they had been there your whole life.

The little white snake lifted her head up and stared at you with wide, round little eyes. With a gasp, you noticed how her little right eye was a milky white.

How did she have all of your scars, as if she was sharing your burden with you so it did not kill you? Why did it feel like you had known this little creature your whole life?

She saw that you were crying and slithered up onto your chest, she was as light as a feather. Her scales felt like silk against your skin. even the cuts she slithered over seemed to calm down a bit.

She slithered up to your neck and nuzzled the top of her nose under your chin. Curling up in a little ball right there. You closed your eyes as she did, relaxing your head so she was not crushed under your chin.

You flinched as you felt a wet rag of some kind be placed over your eyes. Your snake curled into you tighter, almost in a hug like fashion. Even with her comfort though you could not sleep. Though you decided that you would take this man's advice as best you could there and just try to relax.

You let your little sweetheart snuggle into you as much as she wanted until she was comfortable. Enjoying the support physically, mentally and even spiritually that she gave off on you.

since your sense of sight was gone you put your trust into your sense of hearing to tell you what was going on now. You heard the man tinkering with stuff while moved around in the hut. You heard the voices of people talking and laughing outside while children ran and played.

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