Back In His Arms

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We were back home by the afternoon the previous day. The entire village swarmed around us. Many jumping into the arms of their family, seeing as they returned. Not a lot, but still too many started crying as they saw that their loved ones did not return.

Bobazo kept me close to him as he had done all throughout the night. I was so tired, my feet were hurting so bad, along with my legs shaking from overuse.

However, Misaha wanted Bobazo, me, and his best warriors to join him in his tent. He wanted me to recount everything that had happened when I was a prisoner.

Many people reached out and stroked me as I was walked past them. I gave them all heartwarming smiles. Tears running down my face. These were my people, my family, they were just as overjoyed to see me as I was with them.

We all walked up to the third stepp. Many of the party dispersing off, but a good number stayed with us. There was Misaha, Bobazo, Me, Rusa, and eight other warriors all in the chieftains tent.

We sat down on mats layed out for us. Bobazo and I were practically sharing the same matt. I was also Joined by Y/S/N who wrapped in a coil on my other side. Her large head placing itself on my lap where I stroked the scales on her head.

Many of the soldiers looked in awe at the beast she had become. The last time they saw her she was no longer than I was tall and only about as thick as a bamboo shoot.

Now she was over 20 feet long and heavier than three or four men combined. Even Rusa looked at the serpent with great respect.

" It has been many generations since the mother has sent down a child of this size. It has been no accident that she is your companion. You and her were meant to be bonded." Misaha said to me, though everyone in the tent could hear.

I gave a small nod. Continuing to pet down Y/S/N's head as her long red tongue flicked out slowly. Misaha straightened his back. closing his eyes and taking in a deep breath through his nostrils. Els was wrapped around his injured leg. Next to me Y'avashaak curled around in Bobazo's lap.

" My family. We are at war. Great and terrible death and destruction have already been brought upon not only us. But our friends and neighbors as well. The Outhradii have attacked Estaad's sacred temple. Taken our younger shaman and have killed many of ours, and our dear friend Aliskaad. She climbs the trees with her matron now." Misha said, bowing his head in respect to Aliskaad. All of us doing the same.

" Even more death and destruction will be upon us. The sky tyrant has grown tired of the throne she has built with the skulls of her people. She wants the entire jungle to bow their heads to her wings. Whether we are prepared or not, she is, and she is willing to sacrifice the lives of her people to get what she wants. She is coming for us all, and we have to be there to stop her before she can get behind our lines. It may only be one tribe against three others, but they already have the advantage of numbers. We will need all the warriors of Snake, Jaguar, and Monkey. Even now our friends prepare for battle, and soon we will need to be too. We need any and all the help we can get, which is what we have come here to discuss." He continued, turning his head to look at me." My dear friend and family member. You were not born in the jungle or this tribe. This matters not to any of us, you are our sister and family, you are just as much a ZucI person as anyone here. We need you to tell us everything about your capturement and what happened to you there." He finished. All eyes were on me now.

There was a long moment of silence as I stared over at them all. Nervously moving my eye along every single one of them. Eventually looking down at Y/S/N who was looking up at me now. She may not be able to speak, but I knew what she was saying. Her gaze gave me strength and confidence. I decided to start at the beginning and go to the end. From the point of my capture, through all the time I was there, to my escape. I only left out a few details that included personal issues, such as Addily murdering my father. I just could not get the words out.

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