Bridges Broken

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 I woke up sometime later that night. Far after the light of the fire had gone out and the village was asleep. It was still pitch black outside, but from behind the curtain door, I could see the shine of the moon.

I blinked my eyes a few times as my brain woke up from slumber. Bobazo was spooning me with one leg thrown over mine and one arm wrapped across my torso, pulling me as close as I could be.

We were both completely naked and I could feel all of his bare skin pressed against my back. Some of his dreadlocks were poured over my shoulder like a green waterfall.

I could feel his steady breath on my shoulder. He was completely out, after what had happened I was surprised that I was not. Bobazo and I made love for the first time and it was the most passion I had ever experienced.

He was gentler than a butterfly's wing flap. As if any rough movement could have made me shatter and break completely. I was not complaining, I don't know if my body could have handled it. Even so, it was the most magical night I had ever had.

I stretched my back out a little, hearing the small pops it gave out. Bobazo did not even shift behind me. I snuggled back into position against him, ready to close my eyes and continue sleeping when a figure at the door caught my eye.

Y/S/N was staring at me from within the doorway to the hut. Half in and half out of it. The moonlight shone brilliantly off of her scales making her look like a red glowing eyed ghost.

I lifted my head to get a better look at her. I knew what she wanted, I could feel it in my soul. She wanted me to follow her. And I would without any hesitation.

I carefully slipped from underneath Bobazo's hold. His arm and leg flopping down on the empty space that I used to be in. As I grabbed my clothing, still in a kneeling position beside him a smiled down lovingly at the man I called my mate.

I reached down and stroked through his hair with my hand. Giving him a light kiss on the temple as I threw my shawl and pelvic covering on.

Y/S/N waited for me at the door and as soon as I was next to her she started slithering away. I pushed through the flaps of the hut to follow her, my form getting bathed in the moonlight. It was quite warm with the humidity, so it felt nice during the night to have so little on, even though these were my clothing all the time.

There were no fires tonight in the camp. There were a few guards out like there always was but other than that and the sound of the waterfalls, the village was completely silent.

I followed my snow-white Anaconda through the village and down the first stepp. It did not take me long to realize that she was taking me to the pools.

I pushed the plants out of my way as we made our way to our destination. We got to the one that Bobazo and I usually used to bathe in, but my serpent slithered right past it and deeper into the jungle.

I tilted my head in confusion but did not stop. We walked past the Saphire pool and deeper into the trees where we passed more similar pools. Some were small, some were big, but none of the others had the waterfall that served as a shower.

The jungle felt weird tonight. It was almost like Y/S/N and I was the only two sous here. Everything else was so still. There was no breeze, I could not even hear the waterfalls or the river from where we were.

It was dark underneath the tall jungle trees. The moon was very bright tonight, but its light was being blocked by the canopy above. Yet even then Y/S/N shined out like a small little moon herself.

Eventually, we stopped at one specific pool. Not really that ar from the village. It was a good-sized pond of still water that had a green tint to it. Y/S/N flicked her tongue out and slithered into the water, lifting her head up to look at me as she waited for me to follow.

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