The Truth Revealed

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You walked behind your father, who walked behind your cousin, who walked behind your uncle as you all made your way through the snow to get to your destination. You were all dressed in the proper Arctic exploring attire so you would not freeze as you crunched through the snow.

Even though you still felt the cold more than you wanted to. However, you could only huddle your arms more into you and keep walking on. You did not have any clue as to where you were going, you only knew to follow your father.

Looking around it was almost a complete white-out. You could just barely make out what was snow and what was the sky. You could not tell where the sun was as the miniature blizzard covered it.

The only reason that your uncle insisted the two of you come along with him for this and not just look at pictures was because it was not too far from the research base. You really did not mind all that much, it was just cold.

You looked passed your father at your cousin and uncle at the lead. Your cousin was still catching up to your uncle but your uncle stopped. He was standing in front of some sort of dark shape. You could not tell what it was because of all the snow in your face, but you were only a few seconds away.

You stepped up next to your father who stood to the right of Uncle Ray. Your uncle kneeled down in front of the thing and started to wipe off some of the snow from the face of it. It looked to be some kind of rock mound, or rock slab sticking out of the snow.

He stopped brushing the snow off for a second. Then he reached into his jacket and clicked a button on a little black box that made a small beep.

" It is day four of my brother being here to examine the artifacts of which we have found. We are currently at stone number three. I am now brushing the snow aside to let the master do his job, and we shall see if this truly belongs to what is believed to be the ZucI." after he finished speaking he clicked the little black box again.

he reached back to the stone and continued to brush off all of the cold white powder until the shape underneath was revealed to the light. Your eyes widened slightly as you took in the beautiful stone carving on the front face of the rock slab.

It was a little hard to make out in some places as snow still stuck to certain parts. Not to mention it was probably very old if it was an actual artifact. Even so, you were able to get the gist of the picture.

It looked like some form of a temple, one that looked like the ones that the Mayans and Aztecs built. Around it was jungle trees filled with flowers. Sitting on top of the temple was snake looking down the steps. A big circle where the heart would be was carved carefully

Around the circle was another circle with spiked, it looked kind of like how some would draw a sun. As if they were implying that the snake's heart was the sun. Or maybe that the snake's heart was warm like the sun? Either way, you thought it was really cool.

Your father took out his arctic camera and snapped a couple of shots of the slab. Storing it in his pocket after he was done. That way they could be safe until they were developed back at the base for farther studying.

You knew what you were going to do when you got back to the base. that sketchbook was just calling your name and just waiting for you to draw a certain snake goddess in it.

- -

" I'm telling you, Ray, its got to be them! Ok... I know I should not be jumping to conclusions but everything is just falling on top of each other like dominoes! all of this evidence, there had to have been a tribe here at least at some point!" Your father was frantically waving photos around and going around the table.

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