Trapped so far apart

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Minimi brought her hands up against her mouth as the Shaman of Vouyootoyoo screamed in pain to the heavens. Not physical pain no, something that cut much, much deeper. His cries echoing all over the temple city and into the jungles beyond.

Tears beaded her vision as she watched him tenderly reach a hand out, leaping back when he touched tome of the charred flesh. How... How could this have happened? She was alive not too long ago.

The shaman repeatedly called out the name of his apprentice and lover in a wobbly and shaky voice. As if hoping by some miracle that that would bring her back to life.

Minimi let out a scream as the shaman suddenly charged to the nearest stone wall, slamming his head against hit repeatedly, even after bright red streaks of blood started to splatter the stone.

Owlowi barked a command and the Jaguar warriors rushed forward. grabbing onto him and tearing the hysterical man away from the wall. His struggles were weak as he shouted to be let go. For someone to take a dagger and end his life right there.

He begged, sobbing with large tears streaming down his face right next to the blood that oozed out of the large fast on his head. Dripping the scarlet liquid all down his face, neck, and chest. He wept as he begged for someone to kill him right then and there.

Even his snake companion seemed defeated of any spirit, curled up on the ground next to the burnt snake corpse. Unmoving in the slightest.

" Gather his warriors and take him to the canoes, we need to get him home," Owlowi spoke in a voice that still held large authority, though you could hear the sorrow behind every word. She turned her gaze down to the burnt corpses as Bobazo was dragged away. His howls of anguish fading in the distance.

Someone Grabbed his snake, and the creature hung lumpy in the hands of the warrior. As if the person was carrying a vine or rope instead of a living creature. They tucked the scaly thing into their arms as much as they could before hurrying after the party that dragged the snake shaman away.

" We will wrap her up and send it back to the ZucI where she can receive a proper burial." The Jaguar priestess continued. The woman snapped her gaze up to the monkey apprentice, who still had many tears blurring her vision.

" You need to find Aliskaad as fast as possible. This was an act of war." Owlowi hissed. Her gaze slowly lowering to the corpses. " They are going to get one."

- -

You screamed and screamed and screamed as you took in the sight of your father's corpse. The Ribcage had been broken open and the bones were broken roughly outward. Exposing the insides where there should have been a heart.

Your screams at first were that of Anguish, all emotions running through you. Was that really him!?!? how could this have happened?!!? Why did this happen?!? Why were you so cursed to be nothing but scars physically and spiritually?!

The screamed then turned to anger, you had already hated your cousin with every fiber of your being for pushing you into the spirit bear Urani. You never knew hatred could go this far.

Your heart beat a thousand miles an hour as the blood boiled in your veins. You pushed passed the Outhraaddi Shaman called Togul who reared back in surprise as you charged over at Addily.

She let out a shriek, flinging her hands up as you rammed into her, knocking her to the grounds with strength you never thought you would have again. Her bird cried out, feathers going everywhere as it took into the air.

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