The Blue-haired Shaman of Kooji

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You groaned in discomfort at Bobazo pushed you down onto your stomach, laying you flat and applying that therapeutic salve to your back. Your body was really aching now. It was really bad.

That left your body without your usual medication to hurt even more, by the time you woke up you were stiff like stone, letting out hisses of pain with even the slightest movement. Every little thing felt like needles in your skin.

" How long has it been since you have used the lotion?" He growled down at you as he kneaded the skin on your back. You thought back to the time right after you had helped the little girl, that was the last time. You thought that you had gotten to the point where you did not need this stuff anymore, guess you were wrong.

" About... a week ago." You admitted and his hands roughly dug into your shoulder make you grind your teeth.

" I would expect better from you Y/N, I don't know what would have happened if we had left it any longer," Bobazo scolded as he massaged the gel-like substance into the skin on your back.

You lifted your arm up so your hand was now next to your face against your mat. Enjoying the feeling of your tense muscles being soothed and relaxed.

" I'm sorry Bo... I just did not want to bother you." You said, your voice slightly muffled as half your face was pressed into the matt. He paused his hands in a mid squeeze on your shoulder.

" What gave you this notion that this would be a bother to me?" He asked almost a bit aggressively as he continued to rub your back, making sure to coat all your scars in a thick layer of the gel. " Has someone been telling you lies?" he continued.

" No!" You quickly said, turning your head so you could see him as best as you could. " It just... Your so busy and you already have dedicated so much time to me, and the village really does not need you being distracted by something unimportant."

He finished applying the salve to your back and flipped you over, you were now laying on your back facing up at him. He leaned over so that he was practically trapping you to the ground underneath him. His long green dreadlocks slid down off of his shoulder and swayed gently down and tickled the skin of your shoulder.

His eyes looked deep into yours intently, narrowed slightly in disapproval. You shrunk a bit under his gaze and the close proximity. Though you had been closer before, with you literally having to bear hug him as he crawled through the undergrowth once.

" I do not ever want to hear you saying that any problem of yours, minor or major is unimportant." he grabbing your chin, leaning down more so that he was practically looking into your soul at this point. " Don't ever think that you are a distraction, you are part of this family now, you are part of this village. My duty is as much for you as anyone else here. Understood?" He drilled into you, and you could only nod slightly.

He looked at you intently for a second longer. There was not a lot of light in the hut, you could see everything clearly but it all had a film of shadow over it, it only made the Shaman look that much more intimidating.

he let go of your chin and leaned up and away from you. He stood up and made his way to one of the shelves in the back, digging through supplies and taking inventory. There would need to be a supply run soon.

A little boy suddenly ran into the hut, his little legs laying as they moved him as fast as they could. He had a bag in his hands that he was holding out in front of him. Bobazo looked back from over his shoulder at the panting boy. The small child you saw you first and ran over to you, handing you the bag.

" They come!" He said in a squeaky voice before bolting out of the entrance just as fast as he had come. You looked down at the bag, but Bobazo was now right at your side, kneeling down next to you.

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