Your night of Hysteria

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You opened your eyes the next morning, your vision blurry at first but it focused after a few seconds. Small shafts of light beamed in through small openings in the hut. Lighting up all the dust particles in the air.

You slowly blinked, not fully comprehending anything as your mind was rather dull right now. You followed the light beams to the hut opening where a bunch of tiny little faces peered in at you from behind the beads.

Young children looked in at you in amazement with wide dark brown eyes. when you looked at them some of them chattered something to each other. Again, you only slowly blinked at them.

One of them started to push her way in, getting her head and shoulders through before she squeaked and quickly retreated, as did the other kids, as Bobazo walked out from behind a curtain at the back of the hut.

He sat down crossed legged next to you and felt for a fever. You could only dully look up at him as he did. Blinking slowly for yet another time.

" Bo... wha- happen?" You managed to breath out. He only looked at you in the eyes for a second with an unreadable expression before looking down and checking on your leg, the one where the bone had shattered under your weight.

You looked down, following his gaze, you could not see the part of your leg that he was looking at, but you did see something else.

All over your body, mostly where your deep wounds were were a bunch of brown-red dots. Were they beads? You could not tell.

You squinted at the closest one, trying to get your vision to focus so you could see what it was. Were those... Eyes on it? You suddenly jolted as last night's memories came flooding back to you.

- -

You could not stop crying as the Shaman carried you back into his hut. He knelt down over your sleeping mat and gently layed you on top of it, making you shout all the more as your back wounds were pressed.

Y/S/N flopped off of your shoulders as you were placed down, hitting the ground with a little thud as she herself squirmed in pain. Everything felt as it had the day you had come here, and even worse in some cases as your leg was even more broken than before.

Somehow being able to slightly sit up, you looked down you saw your dripping red body and the little bits of blood-drenched bone sticking out through the flesh of your lower leg. You could not help the squeal of horror and pain that left your lips when you realized what it was.

You looked over again at Y/S/N. you could not stand seeing her in such a state. You being like this was bad enough but she had to suffer too? You tried to reach out for her, but she was on your right, the side where you no longer had an arm.

The realization of just how fucked you were finally hit you. Until now your mind was just too numb to comprehend everything. Yes, you knew you were badly hurt and with complete strangers, but it never truly got into your mind just how badly your cousin had fucked you over.

Medical Hysteria finally kicked in and you screamed with renewed fear and pain, thrashing your arm and leg, clenching your eyes shut. Smacking your hand into Bobazo's chest to try and push him away from you.

You could not trust this man. What in the world did he have to gain from keeping you alive? You did not know anything about him or his tribe What if they were cannibals?! what if they were trying to get you in the best shape they could so they could sacrifice you to their goddess?! What if they were going to keep you, hostage, when your dad found you.

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