The Empress's Summons

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Weeks passed, gone with the wind, and after the big incident life was back to normal. Other than the fact that you and Bobazo were now lovers. You still helped him with his duties around the village. Tending to the injured, making sure the crops were growing right. The works

After you had gotten the egg to save the little girl you were treated as a hero among the village. It was alright, but you really did not feel like a hero. You just did what needed to be done and nothing more.

Still, though, your name was praised every time you were seen for a week straight. You were grateful when it all died down.
Aliskaad and her tribal escorts left the day after Shila returned. She had been gone from her tribe long enough. She only stayed longer because of the incident with the Outhradii. You already missed her booming voice and bright smile. And the way Motuk would play with Y/S/N

Speaking of the enemy tribe, after all, that there were no more cases of them around ZucI territory. That let you sleep a little easier at night. Your legs were starting to get stronger. You were able to cross the entire village without stopping now. You still had a bad limp though. Misaha had another walking stick crafted for you, so that helped a lot too.

Still, it was time to have a conversation with Bobazo that needed to be had. You were currently in the hut. It was evening, almost time for dinner and even then you could smell chicken cooking from the top step. Laughter from children rang outside as they played in the water.

Your back was pressed to Bobazo as he spooned you. Your head was tilted back as he pressed soft and loving kisses on your neck. In your arms, you held a sleeping Y/S/N. Her presence helped comfort you. You were enjoying being in Bobazo's arms, but the subject of your discussion kept nagging you in the back of your mind.

You squirmed in his hold and he let you turn over so that you were now facing him. You leaned forward and gave him a long-lasting kiss. When you pulled back you looked into his eyes for a long moment. You were on your left side, that being the side of your only good eye you had to keep your head lifted off of the ground so you could see him.

He saw this and moved his arm so that it served as a pillow for you. You closed your eyes and layed there for a couple of minutes, just enjoying the peace.

" Something is wrong Y/N. Will you not tell me what bothers you so?" He asked you, leaning forward so that his forehead was resting against yours. You opened your eyes. Looking into his gaze for a long moment once more before letting out a sigh through your nostrils. Your heart sped up in your chest as you opened your mouth.

" Bobazo... There is something I need to talk with you about." You said slowly. He leaned his head back a little so that he could have a better angle to look in your eyes. He stayed silent, letting you take your time to continue.

" I'm slowly getting better and better. My scars continue to fade, and even though I will be a cripple for the rest of my life, I am able to move around easier as time goes by." You continued, and he remained silent, however, you knew that you had his full attention.

" Bobazo, I need to get back to my father, I need to let him know that I am alive." You said to him, getting to the point you had been trying to. He jumped a little as if you had just spit on him.

" You... You want to leave?" He asked, a look of heartbreak crossing his features. Your eyes widened and you quickly corrected him.

" No! I don't want to leave. This is my home now. You and your people have been nothing but caring and loving towards me from day one. Not even hesitating when it came to accepting me. But my father is the one who raised me, been with me all of my life and took care of me before I came here. I'm one of the only people he has left and he thinks I was ripped apart by Urani. He's my father Bobazo, I have to somehow tell him that I'm alive!" You explained to him.

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